Cheaters in ranked? disconnect hack

youtube . com / watch?v=aZ3BGiPuEC0
So as u can probably hear in the video, i was pretty frustrated at this point.
Because i was winning the game, then suddenly started disconnecting 4-5 times in a row, 2-3 turns later i got back into the game and the connection seems fine, at this point he had already gotten rid of all my minions and started winning, but i turned it over and started winning and when i was 1 round from winning, funny enough - i started disconnecting again… as u can see i alt+tab to show you that my internet connection is fine i was watching twitch while playing… judge for ur self.

youtube . com / watch?v=aZ3BGiPuEC0

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There are no disconnect hacks

Your Internet connection is bad


I actually got disconnected last night mid game (never happen) and hearthstone started an update. I couldn’t rejoin the game and lost

Obviously i am not thinking at all it’s a hack, but i am wondering if the game doesn’t force to disconnect at a certain hour if a mandatory update is required, kinda like when windows ask you to set a time to install lastest patch.

I just wish it would happen before starting a game, not mid game.

@Scr0tieMcB see, if u watch the video where i show u that im watching a twitch stream in 1080p while im experiencing this, u wouldnt say that…

@Vankrys im a pretty rationel guy, ive lost plenty of hearthstone games and i work in IT and my education is in IT networking… its too much of a coincidence the way it happened, literally the moment im about to hit him with lethal im disconnecting completely.

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Here’s a link to the thread I posted about the DC-s

It seems to be on Blizzard’s end, and it’s been going on for almost 48 hours now


If you’re working in IT, you must be very aware of abend (abnormal ending) that can happen sometimes.

You said you were about to do an action, hit face, action that requires calculation server side. If anything happen during those calculation, wrong numeric format, divide by zero, anything, then you get a crash. Don’t tell me it never happens, because this is the basis of our work, you and I. I too work in back office IT.

Okay fine

Either your connection is bad or Blizzard’s is

The point is that there are no disconnect hacks

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the way it out folded seems too strange to be a coincidence, no way dude… ive been playing HS for the last 30-40 days and didnt experience a single disconnect. my internet is stable. im not saying network errors dont happen, but just the way the disconnecting happening… watch the vid ive posted the link in the thread just remove the spaces.

everything works … up until the moment it doesn’t work. Like i said, hearthstone has had an update yesterday, maybe something wrong in the code. Also, depending where you are on the planet, when you try to connect a server, your data are relayed through node around the world, it can be pretty wild going through singapore, london, new york.

Finally, if hearthstone was victim of a ddos, which is in the domain of possibility, you wouldn’t be the only one affected.

It’s more likely a server error or a faulty data relay than than an actual hacker figured out how to isolate the IP of his opponent and using it to disconnect them.

If they knew how to do that, there are way more lucrative (and illegal) application than simply winning at video games.

It is.

It most often happens in the post-game screen, before the rank update, but sometimes it happens during the match.

The only thing I agree with you is that it always seems to happen when we make a move/click something

First time it happened to me was when I was playing Ranked against a friend on my friend-list, so for me it’s enough to rule out drop-hacking

It’s just server issues - I’m playing on EU, you?

Are you sure it’s hacks and not Blizzard testing a new rigging system?

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bro whats ur problem? get out of this forum thread u posted ur opinion now ur just trying to mock me. gtfo


It’s dumb when they say they know for sure, but you should also not be sure. Could be a bug they don’t cause themselves.

im just curious how people are so certain that hacking is impossible in hearthstone, i dunno if u guys play other multiplayer games online, theres cheating in pretty much every single one.


It’s not about that, it’s about the fact that, according to your amazing brain, it’s more likely that ton of us is getting drophacked at the same time, rather than that HS server having problems.

Also, you somehow chose not to reply on a pretty easy question - what server are you playing on?

must have missed ur question, in my frustrated state of mind.
im on EU, but its litterally the only game i had connection issues with, i played 5-6 before that game and also approx the same afterwards…

but i tryed to add the guy, and he actually accepted… turns out hes chinese, he also went from gold rank 5 to diamond 2 in 4-5 hours cause thats the time i spoke to him after our game… i mean, thats pretty amazing in it self ? kinda suspecious if u ask me… he could be a good player but he wasnt anything good to me, since i litterally returned in the game i had with him from 0 monsters and he had almost a full board cause i disconnected the first time… im not the biggest conspiracy kinda guy but this for all of this to be a coincidence, with my experience with video games in general im 99% he was cheating, using some kinda hack that abrupt the game session so we both didnt get loss/win cause i didnt loose rank after the game…

As I said, I’m also on EU. Looks like EU is having some troubles (or rather, HAD, since I haven’t had a DC since last night)

Could be that the server is laggy due to too many Asians online

It is right about the time when they play, during our nights

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Hacks are always possible, but this is a Blizzard game and severe hacks of that sort are sorted fast; they can happen and shady sites may share them; but they last for so little that it’s almost impossible to have them online for more than days or even hours in some cases.

The most usual “hacks” in heavily funded companies are input-botting; that’s because it’s easier to pretend you are a player than to literally hack the code; but even those are detected in most cases because they have recognition of patterns (at least).

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There WAS a warrior weapon that disconnected both players on use. Said players would use the weapon at the last second, comfortable that they would reconnect before it was their turn.