Cheap Silences have ruined the game

I’ve been playing hearthstone since day one. I took a break for about a year but have been playing for about 3 yrs again now. I primarily play Wild and Duels. Cheap silences are a game breaking issue. Silences used to be more costly and they weren’t as abundant as they are now. It was a tech card that everyone included and you had at most 2, maybe 4 if you were a Priest. Priests come to mind as the worst class in this regard - they have way too many very inexpensive silences. I personally would like to see this addressed as a way to keep the gameplay more minion-based which is what this game used to primarily be about.

Not true at all. The 2 mana Ironbeak owl and 4 mana Spellbreaker always existed until relatively recently. So from the very beginning you could have four, if you wanted. Keeper of the Grove for Druid existed. Priest has always had several class silences. The newer Starfish card costs four, and that along with the tradable Librarian are available to all classes. Also the newer Coroner card costs 2, but you can’t play it until turn 6 if you want the silence. Just because someone is running silences and being smart about holding them back to use to keep you from running away with the game is just the way they were always used.


NO cheap decks like DK have ruined this game.

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Wild is never going to get better.

Years of a weak core set has left priest with some of the best cards released every expansion.

Stick to standard.

You are talking about Standard primarily. In Wild you have a lot more board clear and silences. In standard the biggest concern I have is the 1 mana silence THE ENTIRE BOARD. You don’t have a problem with that?

Only one class can do that, unless you play shadow form like me.

Smothering Starfish is Neutral so any class can play that. And sometimes it’s really needed. Because the amount of cards that buff minions is overwhelming. In early hearthstone every deck had at least one or more silence options. Nowadays with cheap board removal why care?

Don’t be mad at silence. You should be more sad about the cheap board removals, OP titans and the many card gain/draw/discover/dredge/…

No need to go any further. Attach this adjective to anything in the game (mostly), and you’ve found a root issue. The cost/power ratio feels so incredibly off these days, which is why the discussion for rehashing Discovery, Shadowstep etc. is brought up every now and then.

Same thing can be said for some minions in BGs to a degree with their Tavern levels.


Tbh they really need to unnerf Owl. It was such a wholesome card. 2 mana 2/1 silence is more balanced now than ever. Why does it still cost 3? Why did Owl have to die? :frowning: