Chat harassment

How can I report a player for chat harassment? Surely hearthstone doesn’t allow players to enter a chat, and talk a tremendous amount of trash to other players? This specific player began saying very disrespectful things about my family, and then unfriended me.

All because I beat him, and he was angry about the loss. I want to ensure this player receives an appropriate ban from the game because this behavior shouldn’t be tolerated.


To my understanding this is not against the rules because you allowed contact to occur. I’m not even sure if there is a language threshold but, again, it sucks but to my understanding there is no penalty to the offending player as permission to accept chat request has to be given

Posting a username is though against ToS on the forums so you might want to remove that.

I removed his name.

Really though? So by accepting a friend request, we are accepting any amount of verbal abuse from players? There must be some restrictions?


It is kind of ridiculous but that has beeny understanding. It could be wrong but that has been my understanding from others. I’ve never looked it up tbh

There probably are restrictions in the terms of service, but I don’t think abuse is enough.

When I get an friend invite from someone I play against, I wait a couple of days before I accept. If they just want someone to swap quests with, we’re fine; if he wants to abuse me for playing Rez Priest, he’ll probably have forgotten who I am by then…

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just look for friends in the forum… people here ( I believe) are less likely to be like that, if you friend from here. In game, you never know what you are gonna get. At least here, there is a record.

Here’s what it says in the In-Game Code of Conduct. Did the player cross these lines? If so, then if you report them, they may well be suspended.


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.

If they crossed that line, you can report them here. EDIT: Oops, that link doesn’t let you report Hearthstone violations! You may be out of luck…

Go on your PC Blizzard app social tab.

It records the trash talk even if they unfriend you right away.

There’s a reporting option, and has harassment as a reporting reason. It also blocks said player to your account.


Im guessing the restriction is real life threats. That’s something they could take action for. Trash talk and verbal abuse its all on you to block the offender. But if the offender keep pursuing the trash talk after being blocked then its harassment.

This is the Internet and you are in a game where losing will make some players apoplectic with rage, especially bearing in mind they probably a netdeck deck that should NEVER have lost.

It is also why there is no ingame chat.

So what if someone sends you a crap message? Just delete them and move on.

Taking their ability to spew their vitriol at you will make them foam at the mouth and get even angrier.

And if you want to add ‘friends’ you don’t know get them from one of the friends threads on here and don’t accept invites from people you have beaten.

If you are going to take up the mantle of cleansing the internet of angry nerds and neckbeards you are going to have a lifetime’s futile work.

The most I have ever done is report a player with an offensive edgy name, they correctly got banned and I still have them on my friends list 13 months later.

Other than that block/delete if your best friend.

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I mean I kinda get the point but you can always see when a match was super tilty for the other guy, either becouse u top decked/dominated the game/good draws/counters and so on.

Kinda common sense to not accept a guy that has lost to you, 90% of the time he will rage and try to trigger you as well. I guess he was successful :rofl:

Can we talk about why you are so offended and mentally damaged by some random stranger’s words over the internet about you and your family , both of whom they clearly don’t know?

What has our society come to?


Nothing you can do about it.

Most of the time such rage rarely indicates that person’s actual qualities. Think of it as a “spur of the moment @$$holeness” that passes. Yeah it sucks being at the receiving end of it… it can happen to everyone when the diceroll fails.

That’s why:

  • Never accept friend requests from opponents
  • Build up a network of friends from outside the game (Forums, Real Life friends, Discord servers etc.)

That being said, if said behaviour continues (i.e. someone starts stalking you and harrassing you long after such incident) then you should totally seek out measures.

It’s a sad reality, but friend requesting someone in Hearthstone just to yell at them and then unfriend them is something that happens. You can blame whoever you want about this, but alas.

Oh, and stop yourself before you do the same to somebody else. You know, be the change you want to see and all that.


Very likely that you knew he would do this if the match contained some bad moments for him.

Childish, but so is it from people that accept the request just to feed on their opponents tears.

Sorry If i’m wrong. But its the common trend i’ve experienced from both sides

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Don’t accept friend requests after winning a battle unless you are prepared to be insulted. Grow some thicker skin. Getting offended and creating drama is almost as bad as going off on people just for winning a game. Move on.

Sometimes I do accept these requests so the person can spout off before unfriending me. It’s amusing. If anything it’s disappointingly rare lately.

You shouldn’t take it too seriously. Something like a ban for them also probably would only make them even more mad. You won’t see him again in this game (except he makes a new account and starts all over) but he may go somewhere else and ruin the experience of people in other games or who knows where. The only better thing besides trying to forget about it would only to actually help them, but of course how are we supposed to do that? Therefore the best is really just to shrug it off like others here have already said.

Heh I must be the only one who think it’s hilarious when some random looser adds me just to spew random curses at me before unfriending me again:)

The best workaround you can expect is the developers (of Battlenet chat service that is) to come up with some kind of auto censor which either blocks off insults with the usual "*"s or replaces them with funny words alltogether;

I’d vouche for replacing nouns such as C*’ and F*’ with Huffer and Finley respectively, verbs such as F*’ing with Finleying, adverbs such as S’*ingly with Sylvanasly and so on.

Give them 10 years or so before realistically expecting something like that.

As for condemning people’s questionable behaviour … 20 years if ever.

You won’t receive chat if you don’t accept friend request. Just saying.

OP the problem is HS is a pvp game, and a huge portion of that is lookupable, such as the deckbuilding side of hearthstone, and totally play 2 which is the mulligan.

Your opponent wants to trash talk without looking in the mirror.

They copied a deck, a meta deck.
It doesn’t get any more pathetic than that, as every metadeck has a metadeck counter.

So i’d say a couple things:
Realize hs is pvp game, just like OW. Just like CoD.
People want to rage in hs using the same trash talk CoD gets and such.
Just be glad you are not also that immature.

Wouldn’t it be super cool to gather a group of these “I’m mad I lost, and instead of seeing why, ill yell at my opponent”. Now, if the reason is your opponent is playing a stronger deck than you, such as a metadeck if you are not playing meta, that’s totally different bc you are playing the game on different chosen difficulty settings, that is conveyable to both players in match, thus trash talking is void bc one’s playing on hard, ones playing on super easy. Not in the same shoes, so no even-comparison can be made, only a lopsided one bc meta being stronger than not meta, greatly. Your opponent will always try to equalize meta and not meta, bc they don’t want to admit to themselves, alone, that they are playing the way easier way called hsreplay, youtube, meta etc.

The best thing would be to get a group of them together.
All you would hear is:
“u mad bro? Bro, u mad? It’s 2020 i saw this talk online so I’m copying it, I kno ur mad bruh I am so hardcore I’m like 20. I googled this lingo after I googled my deck I thought was going to win. I beat u, u lost, u mad? I copied.”

Just be like:
“you Youtubed a deck, im sorry for you”

Also, another great idea is to ask them about things in the early 90s, and the 1980s. Usually, they haven’t heard of these times, or what gaming was like before games turned into google and youtube handheld.

Remember when games were unreal, in the 1980s-2003 or so (WoW before it got crept and ruined). Theres a reason so many 2D games and non-pvp games are the goat. Like Zelda OOT vs…HS? not even close. One is a PVE game, not online, and one is an online PVP game with trash talking. Not even close.

Music also tanked around 2005 or so.
We went from outstanding games and worthy-music to…barf, a bucket of H20, and a hand towel?
That sounds about right.

Everything’s online, everything got so pvp, so lookupable. Ewww!
Well as some of you know, pvp CAN be fun.

How? With real friends, in person.
Remember playing Smash Melee back in the day, in person (I know, unreal!), with your “we’ve talked to each other in person actually” friends? That’s where Pvp doesn’t get to harassment level, and how it should be, not online. How about 007 N64? Stuff like this wasn’t online, wasn’t with randos, who look up 75 percent of the match. So…

Just be like: “sup friend, remember 1994?”
They be like: “omg, u mad? bro u lost. im so youtube, replay, and twitchchat that’s whats up! I’m so new gen, if a game can’t be looked up, I wouldn’t know what to do or value that! No YouTube pre-login? No play!”
then ur like: “Omg we’re soulmates!”

This is the totally sad state of gaming since…the internet and pvp games got serious with their relationship.

Or just be like:
“I’ll click decline on this friend invite, bc my opponent is so delusional that his/her google deck is their own idea, when it’s totally not, that he or she is waiting for me to click accept, to quickly unfriend, to try and upset me more, but bc im older than 12 I can predict that my opponent has this planned, so I wont even accept friend invitetes so they can’t quick-unfriend”. Sad? I know. doing anything but this would make the world a better place, or your life. Like literally anything is better, as this redic behaiv melts to…totally nothing of worth.

Also OP
You know where most fights start?

Guess what would majorly reduce fighting in hs?
Auto squelch!

Guess what would make emotes be funny, and less hostile?
“I’m Sorry!” sounds more positive than “WoW look at your class, decktype, play, anything, look at u!”

Shocking. Right?

I know, its a shame devs don’t understand clicking then squelching is two clicks that have to be performed every. single. match. within 2 seconds, or they have the window. 2 seconds, 2 clicks, every opponent, every time. This is a ton of work to do over and over, and totally not cool because it takes so much focus and energy, and speed btw its not an easy task to do to beat your opponent to it each match. obviously.

That is super tourist know what I mean?
Devs should get-2020 with HS and get AS in the game, like yesterday, and see that their “wow” emotes they put in the game when they replaced “Im sorry” only greatly directed emotes to trash talking instead of joking around.

Devs want people to emote fight
want people to say “wow, amazing! look at ur play!” instead of “Im sorry”.

If they didn’t, devs would of put AS in a long time ago.
If they didn’t, devs wouldn’t of taken out “Im sorry” and put in “Wow! look at u!”

Nobody likes emoting, or googling decks. That was like 2015 or so when “im sorry” was in the game and emoting was fun then. Times have changed devs, it’s been 5 years, please update your game to be friendly and fun.

As it stands now, you got people emoting “wow” all the time, instead of “im sorry”. You have people fighting after matches. And you have people friending with intent to quick-unfriend as a way of fighting online.

This is Cod/FPS behavior, and if you want HS to differentiate itself from all the FPS pvp people, you have to undo changes like the wow emote, and change the game like adding AS to make it work. Quick unfriend wouldn’t be a problem if emoting wasn’t around to convey intentions first.

This is game design 101 devs.
I mean obviously stuff like buffing some of those old cards you nerfed that promote diversity in deckbuilding, such as shiv or flare, or getting arena back to random, are other major must do things for an enjoyable game experience.

HS is a pvp game devs, give us the tools such as auto squelch, or more friendly emotes like “Im sorry” and not “Wow, look at u!”, to enjoy this game without online interaction. Wow over Im sorry? What a poor 2016 choice that was. Online opponents in HS are not our in-person friends, yet you let people trash talk via emotes and quick unfriends and such as if we all know one another well? Sounds like a dev oversight. a big one. Blizzard and dev oversights? That didn’t happen back in the day, like around the Brevik and a few years later the vanilla WoW / Wrath era of Blizz. Obviously Blizz is trying to rebrand itself which is great, so why not show that in Hearthstone by adding back the “I’m Sorry” emote, taking out the "WoW’ emotes they incorrectly added that added gasoline to emote fighting, and implementing auto squelch. It would take 1 patch. Thanks.