Changes that should be made to weeklies

Okay Dear Blizzard,

First let me say, way to piss off your player base with the sneaky changes to the weeklies. Not cool. It’s certainly not conduce to fostering a friendly environment for casual players.

I think it goes without saying that you guys really need to reconsider the change you made and I offer a suggestion that might feel better for everyone, hopefully.

Instead of changing the weeklies hoping noone would notice (you would think that this type of behaour ended in light of your lawsuits)

You should change them to a split reward… so if players achieve the amount it use to be prior to change, they would get x amount of experience, and if they go on to complete the remainder total, than they would get the remainder of the experience for the weeklies, kinda like bonus xp.

But forcing players to do double the amount of work, increasing the grind beyond what it currently is not fair nor fun for anyone really.

I feel this suggestion wouldn’t alienate casual players making it feel like there’s an uphill battle just to get a reward that helps players, especially casual players, build their collections.

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Right…change is fine…change is good…so long as it feels that way to the players. They could have just left the quests as is, then add the secondary weekly quests at far lesser reward for those who want to “keep playing” or whatever. If someone wants to play 44 extra Minis for 300 extra XP, let them. But don’t force that nonsense onto the rest of us.