Changes, changes, but it feels the same

So, I’ve been playing hs standard, wanting to develop some strategy on my own, wanted to have fun with new cards etc, all I get is plague and odyn and stuff that destroys my fun, yea, that’s fine, I turn to BGs when that happens. Now, yesyterday I tried several games of duos, I immediately noticed the same strategy, buff all minions, no matter if they murlocs, dragons, beasts, demons, they all get bigger and bigger, mechs, no fun in that, actually, it feel like a stereotype. I turned to classic BG, it is the same, it feels boring to choose the same strategy as others just to get in top 3, because otherwhise I don’t even get to tier 4/5. Everything seems to be the same, only buff minions to be able to keep a board. Where is all the fun. I used to pay for packs and tavern pass and all that stuff, but for the last couple of years, I don’t see any point in doing so, this game has become something very “static”. I used to have fun watching streamers getting cool combos , Toast especially, now, even if I try to think of any combo that could match meta, I get destroyed by plagues or tons of armors or the same 10 cost spell or … cutthroat/pirate or you name it. It lacks diversity. I kinda enjoyed aviana dragon druid, until I noticed that aviana doesn’t even draw until very late doing runs. The same with bran, wanted to create my own taunty something to control the crazy boards of my opp, no luck it that. It feels like I am either a very bad player, or there is something wrong with some of the techs. It feels like I am only on the losing side, no matter which deck I play, cuz the moment I change it, I get an opponent who has got everything to counterplay what I bring to the table. Bgs were pretty good before the upgrade, not perfect, but I felt some kind of joy getting in top3 most of the time. Now, even if I got first 2 times, since yesterday (and I can’t spend much time playing), it was only because I only chose 4 minion types that got the job done. I don’t see how this is fun. Is there a way for you, guys, to reconsider some of the changes you made and bring back a similar vanilla hearthstone in the next expansions? Some classes are really favored, as it feels from the losing side here… Sorry for the long post and maybe not that good english…