Change to cards "if deck has no duplicate cards"

I like to play Reno Decks alot. They have a few strong cards, but for them to work you dont play any card twice. A fair trade in my opinion, in terms of alchemy its an equivalent exchange. But now the opponent simply shuffles something in my deck to completly shut down my card effects. Now my deck is even worse. No duplicate cards and the strong cards dont work at all. In standard its plagues, in wild it is overload or these nerubian things.
Yes, you could argue just play steamcleaner. But steamcleaner is bad. Its 5 mana. Usually you dont even play it in the main deck, maybe in ETC. But then its already 9 Mana. So you have to survive 9 turns to be able to play it and after you have played it the opponent just shuffles something in your deck again.
Please change the condition of the reno cards to “if at the START OF THE GAME your deck has no duplicate cards”.

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There’s practically one opponent that does that all the time, and it would be useless if it didn’t do that.

Also Reno should be deleted.

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Totally agree. There was a Reno few years ago (“the amazing Reno”) which was a 10 mana card and disappeared the full board. Now the 8 mana Reno desappears only the enemy board and makes the enemy unable to play more than one minion…

playing as a druid against rogue mechs is a lost cause … the game is so unbalanced. You should be able to win 50-50 against any opponent.

youll have to learn do deal with board clears eventually

no slow card doesn’t need changed

I agree they should change it to “if your deck started with no duplicates” but then they should also change Reno Hero to 10 mana. Either this, or make Handheld Vacuum which is a 2-3 mana card with Steamcleaner effect.

this wont prevent me from using it in a deck with duplicates