@Briala You don’t seem to know how censorship works. And I imagine if I did write an essay there would be plenty with which you would disagree. But another time.
Yes. This. It worries me that people dont understand its Blizzard who acts out their freedom of expression here. Their first amendmend rights.
Why didnt you challange his point though? He clearly explained to you how cencorship works… Its Blizzards game, Blizzards own art and there isnt a government run entity who is forcing them to cencor said artwork. Blizzard is changing their art themselves and have explained why they do it…
No one. Absolutelly NO ONE, is trying to stifle your freedoms here. What freedom of yours do you feel is being violated?
Blizzard is a PC company that has no huevos.
Blizz can say it has nothing to do with China all they want. But common sense kind of leads one to think otherwise.
Of the games reviewed by China’s ethics board? Three of Blizzard’s titles (Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch) were recommended for corrective action.
Self censorship is still censorship. Cards that have been in the game for years suddenly being changed i.e. Bite, Eviscerate, etc. clearly indicate changes made for more than Blizzard claiming “Changing in their standards.” Well I guess their standards have lowered…
But if we look at games that were banned in China? Some of these were banned due to blood. Guess what cards feature blood? That’s right, Bite and Eviscerate. Not to mention covering up some skin on female characters which is another no no in China.
Then we get into the whole fact that Hearthstone is a free to play game that sells card packs. So you buy these packs, attain a really cool card and then find it’s artwork has been altered which makes that card no longer the same card that you enjoyed. You technically don’t lose anything. But for a collectible card game where a large part of the appeal is the artwork, as is the case with other TCG’s like Pokémon, etc; you end up feeling like something has been taken away. For a game that is about collecting and using cards? These changes invite an even greater lack of permanence than it just existing in a digital format.
Why would I feel like spending money on further card packs when I know in the back of my mind that any of the cards I attain from said packs (that I paid for) can be changed on a whim?
Blizzard can try and go after the Chinese market. That’s their decision. But it’s coming at the expense of those that have supported the game and their decision to do so I feel will see further support in NA dwindle. Had they really wanted their cake and been able to eat it too? They could have opted to have two clients, like World of Warcraft has.
Censoring Blizzard’s artists? Oh come on. Who do you think drew the original card art? Someone at Blizzard had to draw and design that art too. The point being made is that the original art is being changed to appeal/comply with stringent Chinese censorship. In so doing it is Blizzard that are forcing China’s views and totalitarian policies on it’s artists (and by extension it’s fans). Not the fans that are calling them out for appeasing a foreign nation’s “ethic’s” board.
You argue that you are worried when people don’t understand true threats to freedom vs. actual expressions of freedom. Do you really understand what China is like?
In an article on freedom of expression in China from the congressional-executive commission on China…
"In China Freedom of Speech is considered a privilege, not a right.
“Chinese authorities, recognizing in recent years that limited freedom of expression enables the government to better monitor potentially problematic social issues (referred to as “舆论监督”) have begun to tolerate criticism, but only from certain categories of people, a kind of “free-speech elite,” and only then in government-controlled forums.”
https: // www . cecc. gov/freedom-of-expression-in-china-a-privilege-not-a-right
Just try mentioning Tiananem Square over there. The Government would prefer to forget it happened. Many Chinese citizens don’t speak of it out of fear of the government.
https:// yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/us-free-speech-vs-chinas-censorship
“China’s censorship regime ignites curiosity about new or banned products, perpetuating piracy that is at the heart of Sino-US trade frictions”
China’s Censorship has also seen a decline in it’s own movie industry.
But yes it’s we the fans who are somehow trying to impose our will on Blizzard when it’s quite apparent Blizzard is making these changes to cater to a market/nation who’s censorship is so strict that it actually encourages piracy. But hey…if Blizzard wants to be a part of that and foster that kind of culture that persists over there rather than those of us who actually support their products? More power to them I guess?
Yes, China censors people, and is exactly the kind of threat to freedom I had in mind. A Chinese customer playing the Chinese version of the game can claim their experience has been censored by their government.
US does not censor in the same way. Blizzard has localization tech and the easy ability to display any version of the card it wants to its US customers. It’s decision to choose versions that it may believe have wider appeal, less off-putting to girls, less offensiveness, suitable for a wider age range, etc. is its own and is a freedom it deserves the right to make for itself.
@Cleng I didn’t challenge their point because they’re wrong, and no amount of arguing with them would have helped.
It is not an issue of freedom for me, but an issue of losing what I paid for/earned. It is also an issue of Blizzard having such continual drop in quality, and an increase in their politically corrent nature, and I do not believe they will ever get back to where they were. They now care more about the money coming in than they do their loyal fanbase.
In a few years, Disney will either learn from their mistakes, or they will go broke like everybody else.
If you think someone is wrong, and is bold enough to go on a forum to vent your frustrations, claiming someone is wrong, then tell them why they are wrong. Claiming someone is wrong, is pathetic if you dont follow it up with reason…
And you have not lost what you paid for or earned. Not more than iv lost when they nerfed Aviana. Or pick any random card of the hundreds, they have changed, in the course of 5 years… This simply isnt an argument… You havent lost anything…
The drop in quality is one thing, and a legitimate SUBJECTIVE OPINION. You would do yourself a favour if you presented it as exactly that…
Then on to more loose useless claims without you substantiating them. Why are you even on this forum if you cant back up your statements? Claiming Blizzard cares more about the money coming in than they do their loyal fanbase might be correct, because guess what, thats how a successful business is run, but you are then assuming they have previously cared more about fans than what brings them food on the table… Why the unsubstantiated claims left and right?
you really are an individual, arent you
you dont even know what logical fallacies are
you probably watched a youtube video on debating tactics and clung to that little scrap of “knowledge” in hopes that you can fool others into believing you.
And before you call me out on ad hominem or whatever bullsh*t phrase you pull out of your *sshole, take a moment to consider why you are still supporting a multimillion dollar company that could care less about your feelings.
Yes probably. You got it all figured out there. Its not the case that he actually used a logical fallacy, making his argument invalid. Thats totally out of the question, right? By all means. Dont expose my lack of knowledge. Just fling unsupported claims around like a champion…
If you failed to pick up on it, that was “sarcasm”
And to your other rediculous nonsense, i pay and support a service. In this case an entertainment product. Or to put it in words you might understand. I give money. I get entertainment back. Seriously. Its not rocket science this.
Exactly. So not a censorship issue.
None of that is censorship.
You have complaints, which is fine. All I wanted is for you to understand the difference between being unhappy with a video game, and being censored.
The former is easily remedied by choosing any of thousands of other video games available to you, or any other recreational activity. The latter is a much more serious affair.
@Cleng I told them why they were wrong by giving them the definition of censorship.
I can stomach balancing changes to make the game more fair, and not based on any agenda.
The only other point I would counter is that caring about money more than your fanbase is not how a successful business is run. A successful business is one that is built to last based on mutual respect. This company is running from base to base, instead of focusing on retention, which is lucrative in the short term, but they are quickly becoming what Jim Casey (founder of UPS) would call a “faceless corporation.” Blizzard did care more before they were bought by Activision, as evidenced by how they handled their fanbase (Ex: “Don’t you guys have phones?”).
Oh so you did challange their point? I thought you stated that you didnt… And yes you gave the definition of the word censorship. And it doesnt fit here. Or do you think Blizzard suppress and prohibit themselves? How does that work? Like some S&M stuff?
You can stomach balancing changes? But not the ones based on any agenda? Every change has an agenda. The problem here isnt “an agenda” but you assuming the agenda…
And seriously. No successful business care more about you, the customer, than the money they are getting from you, the customer. The only difference here is that you believed they cared more about YOU than money before, and now you dont believe they care more about YOU, than the money that will put food on their tables… Aka; you believed what Blizzard said before you assumed their agenda, and dont believe them after you assumed their agenda.
And again are you claiming stuff left and right.
“Blizzard had mutual respect before, now they dont, QQ”
“This company is running from base to base, QQ”
“Blizzard cared more about ME before they were bought by Activision, QQ”
“Im TRIGGERED, (as you kids might say) by Blizzard asking me if i have a phone, QQ”
Do you want a tissue? Or do you have actual proof of this?
@Cleng You sir seem like the one who is triggered.
Nice deflection. Care to address the argument or are you gettng to hung up on tasting your own medicine?
@Cleng I do not care to address your argument.
So now you’re using patronizing phrases?
Also, paying and supporting a service for entertainment doesnt mean that you always have to stick up for them even when they go wrong.
Mindlessly joining a mob, assuming someone motive, then attack said company seems way more healthy. Again “sarcasm”
Unlike you i can have an original thought. “When they go wrong” is your subjective claim, you fail to back up with evidence. Ergo a useless claim. Iv not seen any wrongdoings here. Perhaps you can elaborate instead of responding with useless words.