Censorship Issues

Assuming motives is a dangerous game… They most likely changed the cards to better fit their PG ratings… And they are correct to do so. Sex and violence isnt suitable for a 7 year old… How is that a “feminist/progressive” ideal??

That’s why it’s rated T for Teen… if parents choose to ignore that suggestion, it’s not Activision Blizzard’s fault.
And if you want to tell me that Sex and Blood isn’t for boys in puberty… … well… :smiley:


It has a age 7+ rating in Europe., And ESRB T in America… Meaning 13+

@Cleng No need to assume motive, I am discussing the end result. A card game based on Warcraft doesn’t need to be rated for seven year olds anyways. You can’t sell trading cards to adults with nostalgia for WoW, and then bait and switch when they exhaust and frustrate their existing market.


It doesnt need to be rated for anyone to be fair., But it is… And its a stand alone game, based upon the Worldcraft lore. They make it how they want it. And to me Hearthstone has a light, playful, positive theme to it. Why the blood and nudity? I simply dont get it. I dont mind it, dont get me wrong, but i understand why they cater to a younger audience, if thats what they want to do. Blood and nudity doest fit in with the overall theme of Hearthstone in my opinion.

@Cleng There is no nudity. But again, they sold something and are now changing what people paid for. I’m sure they covered themselves in their terms of service, but it is still disappointing to see this sort of thing, and I won’t be supporting any games as a service that pulls this kind of garbage.


Why are you nitpicking? Didnt you understand what i mean when i asked why the blood and nudity? Is your argument that bad?

And every game you buy, changes… Did you get upset when Blizzard changed D3 aswell? Because surely its not the same game you bought right? This isnt rocket science.

To me it looks like Blizzard made a cheerful PEGI 7 and ESRB T card game. They made cards that was a bit “to dark themed”, and decided to change them to fit better into the intitial cheerful theme the game allready has… Thats it…

TS you are absolutely right! Censorship is awful


@Cleng I just want to make sure details don’t get glossed over or misrepresented. Patches are different than censorship. ESRB has nothing to do with it, as the game has not changed it’s rating from when it first produced all these cards. This is willful erasure of content already paid for.

You are nitpicking., Nudity or halfnudity, why does it matter? Surely there is a reason you call it cencorship?

Allso you are assuming Blizzards motive when you call it censorship. I gave you a plausable scenario where it just might be that Blizzard thought these cards didnt fit into their cheerful, playful and quirky theme. Meaning, they where simply “to dark themed” Then its just the run to the mill patch, and Blizzard fixed something that was out of place… Then what?

And nothing is being erased. Why do you even claim this? They are being changed. As with every patch to pretty much every game ever. What content is it you paid for thats being erased?

@Cleng Words matter. It’s not even half nudity. How can you say nothing is erased? Anyway, I won’t be reinstalling unless the changes are reverted. I’ve already started looking for other card games.

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I’m just asking for common sense. Why change the tiny blood spatter in eviscerate? It doesn’t make the card “less dark”, or “more kid friendly”. It’s still called eviscerate ffs, and it still shows a rohue slicing some poor dude up.

The changes to “too sexy females” don’t make sense with your argument of making it “more kid friendly”, because there still are loads of males with unnaturally buff bodies in nothing more than a speedo. “But that’s just like Superheroes/Action figures”… exactly, and take a look at female superheroes/villains like poison ivy, catwoman etc., or fricking Arielle the Mermaid. You try to tell me Arielle is not Kid friendly?

How can one be so naive and believe Activision Blizzard with all these glaring logic holes and nonsensical statements?


or maybe they just want to change the cards so the game can evolve? for example in WoW they changed models etc…

Removing blood, doesnt make it “less dark”? And yes, its still called eviscerate. Whats your point?

And you equating superhero and disney movies with Hearthstone is futile. Nice strawman though. But regardless of what other companies does or dont do, Blizzard might see sertain cards as to “darked themed” for their fun and cheerful theme of Hearthstone going forwards… Regardless of what you think… Or what Disney thinks., Or regardless of what Marvel thinks…

And yet they will print the Plague of Death coming next expansion, showing a variety of animals being painfully sucked in a quicksand-hole.
But sure, they want to make it less dark. smh You’re a hopeless case, go live your happy little life with your head in the sand and believe everything you’re told. I pity you.

PS: My point on eviscerate is: Eviscerating someone isn’t exactly fun and games. So they’d need to rename it to “Poke with Teddybear” or the like to make it more kid friendly.

When the argument fails, que the ad hominems…

Have you seen the artwork for Plage of Death? Its more of a funny card than anything else… But i understand you are grasping at straws here. Even if the card has what you might think is a dark and nasty title, its still a huge difference between “Eviscerate” without gore…, And “Eviscerate” with blood and guts hanging out… Same as a card with the words “Plague of Death” its a huge difference between 4 funny looking animals being drawn into the sand, and 4 bloody torn to shreds animals being in agony pulled into the sand…

Blizzard to me, is looking to head in a direction where they move more towards the funny takes on “horrible” cards, than showing the horrors of them graphically in the artwork… And cards like Eviscerate, Bite, Deadly Shot etc took the hammerblow… Again, whats your problem with Blizzard wanting to tweek the theme of their game to better fit their initial visions, or not even that, better fit their vision moving forwards?

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I have no problem with changes, I have a problem with the motivation behind the changes. All my arguments are there, your only point is “but that could all be coincidence, and Bliuzard is just that incompetent to really make it kid friendly”, which is fine. “This might be gods doing” is the same kind of argument.
I named you a slew of “strange coincidences” that, to me (and IMHO any person with a hint of logic in them), paint a very clear picture, that also aligns with other things Activision Blizzard did lately to appease China.
If you want to go the “I don’t care, it could be god”-route, I can’t help you, only hope you’ll be able to think for yourself someday.

But you are assuming the motivation behind the changes… And what coincidences are you even on about? Who said they where coincidences?

And you talking about logic or “thinking for yourself” is quite frankly hillarious, seeing you dont even know what logical fallacies are, and are prone to use them in your discussion tactics. So please just stop it. Im more logical than you will ever be, based upon your discussion on this forum…

Blizz better to be engaged in BDSM than puritan censorship

People need to get over this. The card art has changed and its not going back.

If that is going to make you quit then up and quit already. If it’s not enough to make you quit then just stop complaining at this point and move on.

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