Celebration of Starcraft - in Hearthstone!

I’ve been playing Starcraft II and Hearthstone since both games came out. It just occurred to me that Starcraft units and abilities converted to cards and spells would be absolutely legendary. We’ve seen some cross over with Diablo coming to Mercs and BGs.

Three heroes - Queen of Blades, Reynor, Artanis

Examples of units/spells (note - I main as Zerg). I’ve also stretched some of the ideas to make them a little more simple/juicy.

Drone - 1 mana 1/3 - At the end of your turn gain an additional mana crystal
Zergling - 1 mana - 3/1 (Charge)
Roach - 2 mana 4/5 - end of turn, heal 50% health
Mutalisk - 4 mana 2/4 (battlecry summon 2 additional mutlisks) Mutlisks also damage 1 random adjacent minion.
Queen - 3 mana 2/6 - Battlecry - Draw 3 additional cards next turn (Inject!)
Swarm Host - 5 mana 0/5 (stealth for one turn) - At the beginning of your turn, summon 4 2/1 locusts with Charge that die at the end of your turn
Ultralisk - 8 mana 8/12 - rush/cleave

Burrow: All units gain stealth and heal half of their health
Attack Rank 1 - 2 mana - all units gain + 2 attack (when played add Melee attack Rank 2 to hand… and so on).
Neural Parasite - 4 mana - Take control of an enemy unit for 2 turns or until it dies, whichever occurs first

Unit upgrade concept (evolution):
Zergling - spend 1 mana to upgrade the zergling to a baneling
- Baneling - 0/2 - When killed deal 5 damage to enemy across and two adjacent. Promote positioning like chess HS units
Roach - Spend 2 mana - Upgrade to Ravage

  • Ravager - 4/6 - at the end of your turn deal 5 damage to a random enemy

Kerrigan Hero Power: Ravage - 2 mana - deal 4 damage to a targeted minion

This list could go on literally forever. Let me know you think this is a cool concept. SC2 is the greatest game ever created IMO and seeing it come to life in HS would be a dream.

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I’ve made a few posts about this since Rastakhan. I would love a little mini set based on a starcraft crossover.

No thanks, I love Warcraft. That’s why I play Hearthstone!