Caverns of Time in Standard

So I think there are some really interesting cards in that set. This isn’t a boo hoo why are they supporting wild thread, I just think the cards are at a power level where, ONE DAY, I am hoping at least some of the legendaries make their way into a standard rotation as part of the core set.

They’re fun to play with but unfortunately some of them just aren’t good enough for Wild. Future Twist formats or Standard cores would be really cool to play with them again in the future.

They had their time in standard, which was why they were moved to wild.

Like myself and others were saying killing classic for wild lite was going to be a mistake…and I hate to say I (and everyone else who warned what a disaster this would be) told those pushing for it so, but here we are.


What are you talking about?

Most of the cards were old releases with a new coat of paint slapped on them. They were released already. Cards in standard get rotated to wild after a certain point. This is all pretty standard fare at this point.

The handful of new cards were designed with wild in mind (along with the updates), according to them.

I’m obviously talking about the new cards specifically. Do you bother thinking or…?

That might have helped if you had mentioned that in the op. Considering most of the set is a reprint…no, it isn’t obvious at all, especially when you don’t mention which ones you’re referring to.

The point stands: keep wild cards in wild.

Considering I said CoT and not the sets mentioned, it should be obvious. It should be even more obvious that they’ve brought cards from older sets into the core.

Use what little brain you have to think.

And if you knew anything about cot, they reprinted a bunch of cards with slight changes to try and justify stretching a handful of cards into a full set, which is why ALL the cards have the cot label on them, something that has caused no small controversy.

Something else you would know if you actually knew anything about cot, which it’s clear at this point you don’t.

So, the point still stands:


you posted 4 times in this thread and didnt bother explaining why do you think

cards like


are so broken you dont want them in standard

some of the low rarities ones would be nice to have in standard too like

this little guy is an elemental and overload support maybe well get some of these in the core set eventually !

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I never said these cards were so broken I don’t want them in standard. Dragon packages are actually sort of not doing anything so Soridormi I don’t think would be in deck above tier 3. Chromie is just kind of whatever and I don’t think any mage deck would run it. I actually DO specifically want Runi in standard though as well as Scarab Lord.

I don’t know, Caverns is a strong set discounting all the legacy supported cards which obviously would need a totally different core set in order to come in, but I do think these cards are around an appropriate power level that wouldn’t be outside of the realm of what we have now and could open up new decks.

Pebbly Page admittedly might make shaman obnoxious again as it is now but there’s no guarantee shaman has an overload based OTK deck in the future.

lol what a coincidence you posted 4 times too

im guessing i misclicked because i was trying to ask the other guy why is he so agaisnt these cards being added

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I mean, you posted once and didn’t explain why these cards should be allowed in standrd.

I figured most people who played the game understood “wild cards belong in wild.”

Even the devs, who I normally give very little credit to (except when they rarely earn it), actually understood this. Did I live long enough to see you admit they made a mistake by making these cards wild only?