Cavern below is broken quest

By turn 3 they are done with the quest and all their zero and 1 cost cards are 5/5.
This quest like others was not made wtih current cards in mind.
Why won’t they change it or junk it.
There is no way for anyone to beat thie person who has that quest.
And if you say it can be beat… well tell me what card I need in my mage deck to beat it.

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I can’t fix that for you, but as mage myself, i’d be using a renethal or HL deck to start with… cards like inquisitive creation…and ANY card to generate spells, especially those that can give you different spell schools and different classes… as much freeze/stall as you can… Flamestrike as well where u can use it… yup big cost cards, but you’re in wild, right? so you will have cards you can use to fix spell costs… BUT that aside, I would just stop playing wild… Twist is more fun anyway… But my fave deck of all time, when it existed was my fatigue deck… wait, would timewarp quest work? it is not difficult to defeat that deck… I have done it… If you want to beat a quest, play a quest… OR just be better… It is absolutely doable… You got this!!


I haven’t seen that in a very long time.

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