Causing Tsunamis to Legend

Yeah but he’s not talking rank 100 which he can go to in the first few hours of the month because he plays for 12 hours a day.

He wants to do Legend 1 in a Standard server; that’s the highest level; I doubt the “12h in 1st day” hack cuts it.

And if we went to Legend 1 on the LAST DAY OF THE PATCH then it’s even more important to not single-deck.

At the highest level of play it is best to stick to a small pool of decks and perfect your play with them. This is why in fighting games top players in the world stick to a small handful of characters. Being able to perfect your play matters more than having a wide cast to play.

Of course a new deck might come out that is just broken in half and you HAVE to play it. But, the more perfect you can play the better.


Yeah at least that. I would try to be near perfect on at least 1 fast(“aggro”) and 1 mid-range(“”“combo”“”(I hate the term(everyone combos))) and 1 slow (“control”).

Yes and I’ve also noticed the top players don’t wait even for seconds to jump on the next OP deck.

Yeah, that’s one thing that I benefitted from over the last few years working on the 1k wins with everything achievements. I learned a pretty wide variety of playstyles. Aggro is still my weakest though, I’m a value control player at heart.

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I think I play fast aggro the best. I’m the type of character that jumps into something with full cognitive power and then gradually lose interest.

If I play a 30-min average time warrior I will fall asleep.

“Causing Tsunamis to Legend.” The title of this thread inspired me to do exactly this!

I just hit Legend for the first time using BSM:

I normally get too bored with Standard to grind past D5, but because BSM has so many options of what to include in the deck, I kept tinkering with the deck list until the last 8-10 matches. The final list carried me to Legend. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congrats! I am currently running Kalecgos in my build. He is insane. He can come down on turns 4-6 and cause serious problems.


i did this too but in wild

Rare · Spell · Fractured in Alterac Valley · At the end of your turn, cast another spell from your deck. Lasts 3 turns.
imagine conman doubling this!
this card for zero-one mana is nuts

I’ve never understood why they didn’t at least and expand on classic. Say, everything up to Means Streets or whatever. Nobody played classic, but they never even tried to make it appealing to anyone but a tiny niche.

I had some hopes for twist but they went a different direction to what I imagined…a bad one as it turns out.

i honestly thought each twist season was going to be a year of the whatever

or mix sets together that never got to be used with each other other than wild

instead we got a waste of time


didn’t read most of the rest of this post saw this and was like “Hey that was my exact thoughts when it was announced”

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The combo power AND consistency of this deck are just idiotic and braindead broken.

I mean - yeah, maybe a genius move to bait people into buing stuff for real money short term, but that kind of “design policy” just ruins the game more and more. I refuse to believe this is not done on purpose.

100% agree with the OP

These don’t stack though, at least not when in standard. If Iceblood Tower was active, you cannot play another one…

I believe they can now when blizz changed auras to be stackable


Ah, I thought Auras stacking was only the specific Paladin Auras that are labeled as such, and not these.

they do stack

ive had 3 going at once

30 dmg in one turn is fun

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