Causing Tsunamis to Legend

That’s a strawman. I didn’t try to help you identify decks in order to pick a netdeck to copy paste but in order to be able to understand the game better.

But you went off the rails on other replies on a rampage of personal attacks again so I guess bye (probably because you can’t accept HELP).

This is wrong.

You might THINK you’re trying to help me understand decks and deck choices to help me understand the GAME better.

But you’re doing that to help me understand META better, and how to exploit it.

I’m not interested in that. I KNOW for a fact that if your game knowledge is on point, you can hit rank 1 with ANY deck in the existence. You just need to be focused and hit the lucky streak.

I know I can pick my decks better, and I know how to do that.

What part of that is going to help me pilot a deck to rank 20?

For years I’ve only been playing singular classes at a time and have never really struggled to stay either in the top 10k, sometimes top 1k.

…and I always chose the classes when they were at their “worst” according to the data sites.

Sure, it’s helpful to have a flexible collection, but you can pretty much always make something work in a class.

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That’s a bad method; “can” is unimportant; it’s about the best method. By the same logic anyone can be Legend 1 with a lucky streak (yes they can (it’s just very-very-very improbable)).

Ignoring who the opponents are is bad; they may all be control: will you play aggro with no defenses; they may all be very fast aggro: will you play mid-range with no defenses again?

Completely false.

I’m not looking for the BEST method to hit rank 1. I’m looking for ANY method to hit rank 1.

Only when I do that successfully, only then will I be looking for the BEST method to do it.

Yep. It’s called “playing to your advantages”.

On those levels of play, it’s easier to master 1 deck and hit rank 1 that way, rather than master all the different decks and playstyles to choose one which works the best in a specific meta.

Everyone has a main class or two. We’re all different, have different strengths and weaknesses, and the higher you go on any sort of ladder, the more amplified those are.

You don’t just pick a deck because it’s strong where I play. If you do that, you’ll just tank to dumpster legend.

And that’s why you struggle (beyond the high ranks you get on the 3rd of a new month (because most better players don’t play for 12 hours a day)).

You pay too much attention to a couple of highrollers/very high skilled players who’s main job is to convince people to follow them for profit.

No Champion deserves it if they can’t play almost perfectly all/most decks.

I mean, JAlexander basically only plays rogue and is always crazily highly ranked. yeah, it’s easier to chase the meta, but it’s not the only way to play.

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I agree with this sentiment, but it’s just a sentiment, nothing else.

I understand all the decks and deck types, but I can’t play each of them on the same level. It’s unnatural. The very strength of one archetype turns into a weakness in the others.

I shiver when I try to imagine how long it would take me to master 1 deck from each deck archetype, and to this day, I’m 100% sure not a single HS champion has ever done it.

Some were just extremely lucky to be playing during the times when their preferred archetypes were the strongest (Thijs, I’m looking at you).

Best HS player or a washed streamer? It’s a thin line - he still plays the exact same playstyle he ever did, it’s just that this playstyle? It no longer works.

I have mastered:

aggro completely
midrange (tempo, combo)
Attrition (value)

There’s at least 5 more which I haven’t, and I can’t imagine ever learning how to play control decks of any kind which are not aggro. Simply put, everything I know from playing tempo and combo decks is the direct opposite for what works in control decks. You’re either this, or you’re that. You’re not both, or you’re possibly dangerously crazy.

EDIT: that’s how it usually goes. It’s possible for one player to learn all, but he would need to have proper coaching. I don’t. But, contrary to what couple of fools on this forum keep telling me, I AM trying to find me some free coaching. I’m asking for advice from people who I know understand at least one aspect of the game more than I do.

But that’s slow and inconsistent compared to 2 hours of serious coaching per day. If I was a coach, I could guarantee you’re hitting my ranks in a month with 2 hours of coaching per day.

Because you first learn control and aggro at the same time doesn’t exist. A warrior dropping massive boombosses isn’t aggro, it’s just round 999 and the developers decided the game should end; aggro must be a fast game; a warrior putting you to sleep for 30 minutes will never be aggro whatever its lethal round looks like.

One thing you can have and many times saved me from not being able to get things going is the water color artist + sea chill combo.

In the end of the day the deck is just consistent at what it tries to do and talking like any card on it is a power outlier would be dumb(because consistency is what really makes the deck shine).

It isn’t my favorite way to play the game either but recently blizzard is working very hard on making things dumber so it isn’t really an issue only with mage design.

I kept bouncing back and forth between Platnum Rank 10 and Rank 8 while experimenting with my BSM deck list.

In regards to SeaShill, I found one Sea Shill to be OK, two to be too awkward, and none may be the best choice.

My current version of BSM does not run any Sea Shill, but it does include 2x Bumbling Bellhop, Kalecgos, and Zilliax (Virus + Perfect modules). Occasionally, I get some good value and tempo from Bumbling Bellhop (see pics below).

Once I settled on my current deck list, I had a five game win streak against 3 Warriors, 1 Shaman, and 1 Druid, which took me to Platinum Rank 5.

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Altair is actually 100% right on this. I have never spent money on HS and I even took a 5 year break and I still made it to top 250 as someone who refuses to take the game that serious. Someone who is trying harder can 100% make it into top ranks as F2P.

Both decks are scam decks they cheat wins 0 skills

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Altair is complaining that they are not Legend 1. I’m telling them those people are usually playing all decks on demand but he insists to “main” only 1 or 2 classes because he is a fan of streamers who do it that way.

It’s possible but it’s a suboptimal way to play 1 class or 2 instead of being Pocket Train-tier; that tier plays various decks well: it FARMS well; sorry but I’m not going to ignore the meta dynamics that lead to farming.

None of that goes against a F2P being able to do it. I barely play and I have every single meta deck except priest built. Someone who grinds 5+ hours a day trying to go for rank 1 would have more than enough gold/dust to make anything they want.

Now, I will concede that a brand new F2P could not, cause duh. But, any player who has been at it for a few years easily could.

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I didn’t mention F2P in that reply. I said he insists that playing only one class or two is a good way to go to Legend 1 because he thinks he saw some streamers doing it.

Being stubborn that being trapped in one class or two is a good way to go to Legend 1 isn’t going to make it magically true.

In general, you want to stick to a very small number of decks to do those kinds of climbs because you need to perfect your play of a deck to get there.

The more decks that you try to incorporate into your climb, the more interactions you need to learn and understand how to use in every matchup, new mulligan strategies, new outs, etc.

Getting extremely good at one deck that’s rank 1 capable is generally better advice for most than telling someone to learn to perfectly pilot everything and hop between them.

I don’t, however, recommend locking yourself to 1 class long term if you want to climb to the highest ranks. Meta shifts can make that infinitely more challenging.

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He literally wants to go to Legend 1 in europe (it’s not like he tries to cheese a way into a Twist Legend 1).

At that level you can’t be fixated to a “main”; yes it can be ~3 diverse decks; but definitely not 1 deck.

It is possible with a “main” on 1 deck; yes; is it very bad optimization: yes.

Many of the top 100 players do just lock in on whatever the best deck is at the time and grind it out though. that’s a lot of why the top 100 is even more of a pocket meta than the top 1k is. It’s not uncommon to see people in those ranges sharing deck tracker screenshots, and 70% of their matches are the same class.

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