Casual arena mode

I want to see a casual arena mode vs AI, I like the idea of arena, but I’m bad at the game, and and to be good at this game you need to take advantage of other people, I’ll call it to take the fun of playing the game from the person once you defeated him.
So If there were a casual arena mode vs AI with no rewards but it ends once you reach 12 wins or lose 3 times, it wouldn’t be try hard and it would be fun to learn to play an actual arena-making deck.
As for me I don’t like competitiveness and I’m only in this game for fun, so I would honestly play vs AI on arena mode all day long.

When I read these posts I don’t know whether to laugh or be moved by these users who delude themselves that Blizzard cares in the slightest about their requests, they delude themselves that they are not simple hamsters in a wheel who only have two possibilities.
1 - Constantly paying money to have new cards and a more favorable rng than those who don’t pay in an infinite loop of expansions and money to pay to have them
2 - Playing for free in a loop of frustration and questions like “but how is it possible that I have zero wins in the arena and meet fabulous decks that certainly don’t have zero wins… what kind of matchmaking scam is that?”
Hearthstone will go down in history as one of the most incredible scam gaming systems ever devised, and I can’t help but compliment you because it is unassailable on a regulatory level, practically those who play and spend do so voluntarily so where is the problem? People spend of their own free will by accepting, bots, secret algorithms managed by Blizzard, RNG unbalanced in favor of those who pay, in short, a pyramid of lies and secrets and people give away money anyway, so my compliments without a doubt