Card reroll function is lacking

this function is really stupid for a number of reasons … first of all, you need to be able to choose what cards you want rerolled … for example if i just opened like 100 packs at the start of the expansion, and got like 8 normal toyrannosaurus and 1 golden toyrannosaurus, and then i buy the mini-set (like i just did) to the point where it pushes me into the achievement obtaining the signature toyrannosaurus … i should be able to choose which two of the toyrannosaurus i want to reroll … i almost never use this function because i’m pretty sure it will start with converting my golden copies (if any) and then go to normals … so the only time i ever do this is when i still have 4+ copies of a card and no goldens of that card (i don’t think i will ever have 3+ golden copies so i won’t even entertain that case)

the way i prefer to collect cards at this point in the life of the game is to not dust anything until nerfs hit, and even then, i only dust things until i have 2 copies of whatever version of the card is left … it is as completionist as i can get without actually ever having a hope of getting all of the cards … so this reroll function is really only helpful to me if i know i’m not gonna need to open more packs (or spend dust) to replace the cards that are getting rerolled … and i’d imagine there are other people who, perhaps not quite as methodical about their card collection as me, would probably prefer to be able to make a similar choice of either only the normals or only the goldens for whatever their preference is at a given time

another really big problem with the way the card reroll works especially in conjunction with the achivement system, is that you cannot preview it in game once you click on the achievement … so for me to know to look up what the card(s) is that i’m about to be rewarded, i need to go to a browser and look up “collected 145 whizbang card achievement” or some such or have looked at the achievement before buying the mini-set and make sure of whatever the card is in my card manager prior to clicking the achivement … because once the achivement pops and the reroll dialogue hits, you are locked into it and can’t go check your card manager … this is also frustrating in terms of the reward track, but at least you get to easily preview what the card is on the rewards track … it is quite annoying to need to look ahead that much just to manage my collection and take advantage of reroll opportunities if they make sense

and i’m sure i’m not the only one that feels the reroll system is lacking, i know i’ve seen other topics about it before … this needs to be done better … kind of like the dust refund when nerfs come where you have like 2 weeks to choose and then choose it in the card manager where it makes sense since you can see what is going on with your collection there … just be able to right click on the signature card and then access a button that brings up the “do you wish to reroll” … and then you should get to choose the two cards you want to reroll … i don’t understand why this cannot be the mechanic