Card Recovery for Duels..... please?

I’m not so sure we can rely on current trends in wild to predict the meta for duels. Not all the same cards available, different hero powers, treasures, etc.

wouldn’t that make it p2w by definition ? Lol

maybe you’ll unlock them for free after enough games

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When formats were launched they completely removed rotated sets from the store. x-pac cards could be crafted, but adventure cards would have been made of unobtainium. They had to make them craftable or, you know, do what they did 2 years later and leave rotated sets in the store!

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Seems like a decent idea until

(Homer Simpson Voice) DOH!

Lol, thank you for the explanation.


You know the funny thing was their reasoning for removing rotated sets. Along the lines of “players collections have value, removing rotated sets increases that value”… sure thing. Most wild players were more than happy for old sets to remain accessible for all.

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After playing the mode for several hours today, I noticed something with the collection as it stands right now:

  1. Despite the fact that I have almost all the cards, the card pool they give you to choose from for your starting deck is, as far as I can tell, IDENTICAL. You don’t get to create a deck from every card you own. In fact, the pool is extremely small. I play Warrior and I type in discover and only 3 cards exist. I type in Rush and only 3 cards exist. The pool is so small…this means you don’t need a big collection. You’ll likely just see which cards are available to others and craft those few cards.

  2. I noticed way more standard cards than wild cards in the collection. Like, a lot more.

  3. The beginning decks are already becoming “meta” like. Most people are running the same cards. If you’re facing a shaman or mage, there’s like a 100% chance they are running devolving missiles.

  4. Discovery and card generation is a MAJOR problem because the pool is so small. Discover pools are SO small that you can almost guarantee what you discover. For example, play warrior and choose the 1 cost discover a rush minion. You will ALWAYS (A-L-W-A-Y-S) get offered: Broom, 4/4 rush give weapon +1/+1, and the 4 cost 4/3 rush deathrattle add 4/3 rush into your hand. Always. This is a major problem for card generation like wandmaker, etc. Play wand maker as a mage, get devolving missiles a lot. For example, you can only have 1 card at the start, right? Yet shaman and mages are playing devolving missiles like 4x per game. The discovery and card generation is out of hand.

  5. It SHOULD give you a deck to create from random cards in your collection IMO. But it doesn’t work that way. It’s always the same pool, which sucks honestly.


Not sure about that one.

You own a near full collection? What chance do you think you would stand against someone who only keeps viable cards?

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I mentioned this in my stream that someone would abuse it when I thought it worked that way originally, but what I mean is that it should create at least some random cards extra. It shouldn’t always be the exact same pool.

The fact that I can never put certain cards in my deck is why dungeon runs will soon have “meta” starting decks.


They have this listed on the Duels announcement.

" In its debut season, Duels will include a curated assortment of cards from a number of sets, including:

  • Scholomance Academy
  • One Night in Kharazan
  • Curse of Naxxramas
  • Basic
  • Classic"

Which means they can probably change the curated card list at any time and change the meta.


That’s a little bit dangerous.

A person could create a new account and DE everything except the best cards and gain an unfair advantage.

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You can do that now…

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Honestly as someone who has dusted most of my cards as they rotated I don’t care to much. We only need 16 cards of our own, and since you need a lot of low cost ones to survive the first few rounds( you start with 10–15 hp I believe) I doubt you will miss out on much… and if there happens to be a few cards I am missing I can just craft them…

The limited starting deck size definitely mitigates somewhat the impact of not having the wild cards available. Further, the artificial (and targetted) culling of the collection of available cards for the starting deck also mitigates the impact somewhat. That said, you are certainly at a disadvantage if you do not have the wild cards. There’s no way to dispute that. However, I think that the amount of the disadvantage is not as severe as I had originally anticipated. I still think Blizz could have created this mode as a wild or a standard or even both. But it is what it is. If you really like the Duels, wait for the starting deck meta to settle and craft the cards you need.

Personally, my first impression was yawn. Literally. I actually dozed off watch Kibler and Kripp. I may try to watch a few more streams of people playing the mode. Maybe it’ll become interesting. But right now it looks like it’s not the mode for me.

it’s called recrafting

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Now are new players favoured rather than veterans?
This has to be the most Pepega thing I read in this thread!

You mean like this:

Starting November 12, Duels: Early Access will be free and open to all players and Whispers of the Old Gods will be added to the pool of eligible sets!


When the Duels officially launches on November 17, and we transition from Duels: Early Access to Duels: Season One , each class will have access to 2 Hero Powers and 3 Treasures. Additionally, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards will be added to the pool of eligible sets! We’ll be adding new Hero Powers and Treasures in a mid-season update early next year, and plan to reset Duels ratings at that time as well.


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Yeah, that was my first thought on my stream as soon as I saw the card pool the first time. It looked like RNG pool since my entire pool wasn’t there and I said that was dangerous if it did that instead of allowing full access. It’s good to hear they will allow full access.

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