Anyone else dust 2/3 of the sets that will be available for duels years ago, before there was any indication that we’d ever want them for anything outside of Wild matches? I can’t be alone in this. And specifically these sets: you can’t buy packs for them anymore. The only way to get those cards back is dust.
I’d love to participate in this, but I would rather not do so at such a disadvantage. I’m not asking for my stuff back. I chose to dust it. I made cards with the dust and benefited thereby. That’s on me.
What I’d like to see is a chance to repurchase the adventures, Naxx and Kara, just like I purchased them back then, for either gold or cash, and then unlock the cards the same way. Seems reasonable enough. Please?
Im sure you will be able to buy packs from those expansions ,theres no way Blizzard misses out on the chance of making toons of money on those with this new mode.
You can buy wild packs tho. But for the adventure cards it is indeed a problem. If you already bought the adventure and dusted it, there is no other way to get them but crafting. I think the best solution would be to realise a pack of every adventure.
Or not forcing people to use wild cards.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only Wild sets involved at first are the adventures, no? Naxx and Kara? Blizzard doesn’t even seem interested in us getting the cards back for money.
On the in game shop on my phone, there’s nothing I can do about it other than start grinding more dust than I care to. I’d rather just sit this game mode out. On the other hand, on my desktop app shop, I can spend 19.99 USD on One Night In Kharazhan. So… will that re-set the adventure so I can earn the cards back? I don’t trust it, but if so, I’ll consider it a valid option.
No, and you don’t deserve it anyway.
You had the choice of whether or not to shortsightedly nuke your collection. You don’t get it both ways.
Yeah, I’d dusted the sets in question years before he said that. They might have mentioned something sooner.
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OR you could have not dusted. People besides them have warned about it since the day it became an option.
Thats harsh even more if you actualy read the topic , he is not looking for a handout just the chance to recover the cards at a cost…
As a free to play player, I know the blesing that is to have a rotation sistem. You can focus on the new things and get rid of the old stuff, which helps for the budget. But bury all the wild cards, specialy in a mode like this one, is kind of a waste.
It tells you exactly what you have to do get cards back when you dust them. He is asking for a way around that. You recraft them. Period.
Did they now? I never saw anything on the subject. I sincerely doubt Duels was a twinkle in any of current developers eye when I did the dusting, given how the systems have evolved.
In the mean time, I don’t understand why you’re so hostile about it. I’m not asking for special treatment. I acknowledge and take responsibility for my own dusting. I’m just asking for the means to compete in duels and do so in a manner mutually beneficial with myself and Blizzard. It hurts you in exactly no fashion. I don’t understand your problem.
Nobody is forcing people to use Wild cards. You can play Standard without a full collection (or even without having all meta-relevant cards). Why would this mode be any different?
Dont hold it against him the air is thin way up there in his high horse, not enouth O2 for regular synaptic activity.
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You knew to get them back you would have to recraft them and made that choice that it was okay. Its on you .
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They aren’t forcing you to use wild cards, you can usa standard cards as well
Yeah, let’s all play wild with standard cards only, it’ll be so cool when the opponent drops a cost 9 minion on turn 4 and u have like 0 reaction cards to this, so much fun! 
And u also don’t go much far on it. 
So I was wondering… why are the solo adventure cards even craftable? Seems like this wouldn’t be an issue if they just couldn’t be DE’d.
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If you can’t understand the difference between Wild and Duels, I can’t help you. But hey, whatever makes you happy my dude.