Card Recovery for Duels..... please?

And lose to those with those with those cards as they allow much more powerful combos since they are not balanced to fit the current meta like the standard cards are. yeah right.

You have some kind of stats to back up this you need wild cards to win thing?

Edit: Lol the more I think about those p2w cards you already had and dusted just keeps cracking me up.

People begged to be able to dust them because of the bad quality filler cards, and it was to make it easier to implement crafting the golds as well.

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if there are powerful cards, you can just craft them.
If it’s so important to have them, then it’s not a waste of dust but an investment.

I’m not trying to be rude because I have wild cards and you don’t (in fact, I don’t have many wild cards, but I never disenchanted them just because they are not standard); I’m just trying to show you that you can enjoy the mode without those cards.

Until frozen throne/league of explore will be there, I don’t think there are many “must have” wild cards: the only ones may be deathknights and highlander cards.

At the end of the day, it’s just a constructed/arena: collection IS important for this mode, because they designed it that way (unlike BG).

If anything, I’m happy they are giving wild cards more value: it may be a hint that they will give us free wild packs just to give to everyone a taste of old cards; maybe they will even care more about wild.

Imagine dusting cards like Zephrys once they are not standard! How can people do this to cards like deathknight/shudderwock is beyond my imagination


Stats? just play wild and u’ll see.

I play since gvg and I still have my wild cards, u don’t know have any idea of what u are talking about.

Soo ummm you knew you were dusting good cards then? Seems more and more like you are asking to be compensated for something you knew exactly what you were doing. And that isn’t stats. There will be good decks without wild cards. And if you want them you can craft them. You could even dust some cards you don’t use to make them. Bwhahahahahahahaha.

Or make a mode where they are not needed so we don’t need to spend everything to craft them.

But I do keep them sinc gvg, But what about new players?

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HAHAHAHA so your I need to be compensated for dusting good cards is now a but the players who never had them concern. I want to laugh in your face but i lol all the same

I hope they will give a boost to everyone (10 wild packs for example) through legendary quests, once they rotate the format.

Or maybe, with the new system we will get so much gold that it will be easy to spend 1000 gold on wild packs without losing standard packs.

We will see how good/bad it will be in non less than a month

Enough with the knee-jerk peoples! Think about it. From Naxx we have one leggo… ONE that see’s play regularly on the Wild ladder. Loatheb. That’s it!

If you DE’d that and positively need that card cause of how the Duels meta works out then you have the option to re-craft. Assuming you enjoy the style of decks with him. Otherwise, there really isn’t much you’d have to craft if the ranked Wild ladder is any indication of Naxx usage rates.

With the recent power creep, I (imo) think that new cards are worth investing in and not DE’ing forward. Don’t get all bent outta shape about past Wild sets, the vast majority don’t see competitive play.

Agreed, wholeheartedly!


Again, I keep my cards since gvg, u dont have any idea of what are talking about.

In the same way, can u make sure they will be just as powerful as decks who use them?

Or maybe they could create a mode where u don’t need wild cards which is way easier.

Do u have any kind of text interpretation problem? I STILL DO HAVE the cards from the wild sets, don’t u know how to read or something?

Someone in this forum said they will release a new mode after this expansion

To put this in perspective, I’m not asking for anything that any brand new fresh Bronze Player can’t do: to purchase the adventures and earn the cards. As it is, that fresh player has an advantage over me in duels.

If Blizzard is intent on punishing me for dusting those cards back at the beginning of the Year of the Raven, they can continue as they are. I’ll probably not participate in duels because I don’t play games to be punished.

If they want me to play their new system and are interrelated I’m profiting from my fun, they’ll let me repurchase the adventures. It’s simple really.

How is this punishing?

What if a player DE’d Zephrys yesterday and tomorrow finds a highlander deck they want to play? Blizzard also punishing them?

I’m def onboard with your request though. If you want to re-purchase a past expansion or buy it twenty times, I can’t imagine a good reason why this shouldn’t be an option.

Just don’t think there’s any drama for those who dusted previous Wild sets.

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Have you seen wild its mostly Standard cards with a small splash of things that are actually wild. With the Power Creep over the years you aren’t missing much if you jump right into Duel Mode with nothing from Wild especially since you only build 15 card decks for the start and get random buckets to fill it in as you go.

Thank you, that explains it.

Makes sense, I guess, if they didn’t at that point have the goal of where they just went with the new mode.

I honestly think reselling the whole expansions to those that want to buy them would be fine, but I know others will howl.


Tried to tell people since Hearthstone inception not to dust cards because of future game design. It’s sad to see so many people in this spot.


I have Naxxramas cards, and I currently do not use them in a serious wild deck. You’re not missing much there. Power creep ensures that people with standard-only collections can compete in Duels.


I think Firebat said on his stream that unlocking starting hero powers and starting treasures will be based on your wild collection percentage. I didnt have an issue until I heard that. Standard cards are definitely strong enough compete, and you only have to craft single copies of wild cards, but locking the different starting powers based on wild collection is upsetting since it denies part of the experience.

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