Some cards, some times work, some times do not work. As a result, I m losing games because cards malfuction. Latest example is Dirty Rat card, which, when I used it, the battlecry did not work. Opponent had his hand full of minions, but no minion was summoned from their hand. I m rly getting pissed cause yesterday 2 more cards malfanctioned and as a result i lost 2 more games. Any reason this is happening? Any way of fixing it?
Oh you re talking about the specific card… No unfotunately I do not have a replay and I can’t recall if he had 7 minions… Even if thats the case, is this normal? Also, now is getting crazier… In my last game I had Reno on my deck, meaning that I can not have dublicates. But I draw him, and 2 Conniving Conman cards in the same draw!