Cant win much rig

Add me come see these never before seen value decks that pull win conditions out of thin air and win every game…

Cant climb because being exterminated replaced AND genocided isnt good enough. I must also just lose to the never ending lies spewing from the portal to hell which has an outpost in Irvine.

curse and a pox on you djinni fiends

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Now thats a quailty post!

Actualy wth did he even say ._. ?

Cant win…blah blah…rigged game…blah blah…cursed his opponents to misery.

You only say what you do because you are one of the hackers.

who let the monkeys out?!! is it show time? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Blizzard bot playing pirate rogue kills me on turn 4.

You know cause I won a couple at gold 10 haha legit haha sure dupe.