Cant finish weekly quests anymore

As someone who consistently finished weekly quests for 2 years straight, i cant keep up anymore now they are doubled the effort.

Win 10 ranked games = play 20 ranked games for 150g!!! :frowning:

Instead of encouriging more player activity it deters casual players.


I agree, very tiring. A lot of time is spent.
But in the next patch 29.4.2 they are going to change it. We’ll see


I havent finished any weekly quest at all since the changes. very offputting…

are you trying to finish that quest in 1 day?

If they don’t just revert to what it was before, I don’t know how else they could fix it.

Just play 5 games a day. It’ll also help you get better at the game and prevent burn out.

If you aren’t playing this game and can’t get 10 wins a week, there is no intrest in you from the Blizzard company. Simply you are a buyer and get eveything you wish with money (not depending on quests at all), or you are player, who actually playing games with others and collect some rewards for it. The rewards are bonuses, not the obligation from their side, it could be simple the situation without getting gold at all and people will still play. Less players doesn’t mean worse everytime, it depends on the marketing of the game. This one is OLD and they are less focused on it obviously.

What I mean is they can do everything they wish with quests - you either play or skip. Is it good or bad = they can calculate with inside game data and react accordinly. Seems they need more dedicated players then random guys, who can’t win 10 games a week.

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i finish them in about 2 days at the most

Just because its a weekly doesn’t means it should, potentially, take a week to complete it. It means you get them once a week.

One of the quests isplay X minis, right? I think its 50? Thismeans you need to play 100 minions to get credit. I think it was originally 75 minis, right? Thatmeans 150 minions to get credit. Assuming you make it far enough into teh game to play said minions that give minis and then also get to play the mini. I’ll let someone do the math on how long that could, potentially, take. This is Star Wars unlocks all over again.

Where is the cutoff when even the supporters say they’ve had enough of the BS?

It does take more effort for sure. But I just pace myself and don’t worry about it. If I get them done, then cool. if not, oh well.

i play super casual nowadays… takes me around 4 days. easy.

you mean not competitive ? i dont exactly play the best decks i think its taken 3 to 4 hours to complete the win 10( i usually get 3 wins per hour )
with the hganges i went from completing it in 2 days to 3 or 4 in a week

the ones i always re roll are mini and win bg arena ones they take way longer than any other weekly we have in the pool