Can't find a recent thread about ranking

I have been digging down at Silver 10 for most of last month. The way i figured, it is expected to have higher MMR players play at higher rank, together. What i suspect is happening, is you get matched with the MMR regardless of the rank.


I saw decks in silver that were good, seriously. The player was good, the game was fun, and well… Magic was happening. This goes with the “winning streaks”, which are to be avoided by giving you a loss. But if you pull it off… MMR goes wrong.

What i would like to propose, is to automate detection of when the MMR is badly calibrated, and rectify that. Something about loss streaks, legitimate losses. MMR wipes or some other way i can’t imagine.

Failing that, what? Drag around a bad MMR becasue reasons? Well i don’t know those. Anyone?

If people can get a lower, more appropriated MMR, it would be fun. Win games, play the game, buy stuff maybe. One thing is for sure, no one is going to put money on a game which is not fun… Then MMR goes back up! There will be people manipulating their MMR. Those are easy to spot. Rock bottom MMR with a history of winning games.

This, would be what happened to me?

While making new decks, they start out bad. Then you tweak them, and they get better. In that order. I don’t know the specifics. Does that mean i’m the only one here making somewhat successful custom decks?

What am i doing wrong here? I’d like to know?

The hamster does not forgive. The hamster does not forget.

Matchmaking Update

Previously, matchmaking on the ranked ladder was based on your internal rating (commonly called “MMR”) while you had bonus stars and based on ladder rank after you ran out of bonus stars. Now, matchmaking will continue to be based on your internal rating even after you run out of bonus stars. This change should reduce matchmaking complexity and result in more consistent and fairer matches throughout the ladder.

So the higher your MMR the harder it is to move up in rank.
My biggest issue with this change is the rewards are based on achieved rank and not on MMR.


If i understand the patch notes correctly, there is no problem as long as the MMR keeps moving.

My problem is sometimes you can win a lucky game against a strong opponent. Or… A strong opponent could just drop a win on you, trolling or otherwise bitter. Stuff happens. Many stuffs happen, out there.

But even then, if the MMR keeps moving, it’s temporary. I suspect MMR manipulation detection is the problem as there is no false flag review. And it doesn’t expire nicely if at all.

Blizzard has a history to automate a GM’s job. I’d be curious about MMR manipulation’s meta right now.


I think i understand a bit better. I would have to win games. In order to prove i’m not manipulating my MMR. My MMR would be locked at high. The opponents are too strong for me, so i lose. MMR is still locked.

Can’t win, MMR high, MMR locked.
Can’t win, MMR high, MMR locked.
Can’t win, MMR high, MMR locked.
Uh, insert punchline here.

Punchline. My MMR is high, so is the opponent. Even if i win, MMR doesn’t move.

Those people are feeding me losses. Make sense. I don’t get it.

Carriage return. Page break.
I lost the game.
The cake is a lie.

within the 5 rank caps, so silver 6 is harder then silver 5. The games at bronze 10 on new season tend to be bit strange, as in bronze 10 is the hardest and as soon as I get a win, I often get several more as bronze 5 is easier then 10 on day 1 of new season.

sorry Adreno I dont actually understand your point. so the last week of the month I occasionally had win streaks and moved from say diamond 5 to diamond 3, but then I also lost games with new decks based around new standard cards coming into wild.

But losing from diamond 3 to diamond 5 is not an issue because I can’t drop below 5 and I still got my 10 stars based of making it to 3 several times.

Rock bottom mmr while winning games may be from a new deck, it may be from learning to play better with a relatively fresh deck, or it may be they just had a good sleep and are playing better, I don’t want some algorithm, going oh this guy might be on a winning streak, lets artificially match him again harder opponents, so his mmr is not to inflated.
Funny enough this is what people believe Is happening right now.

I’ve given up understanding MMR, matchmaking, etc as it’s makes me go crazy and grumpy.

Took a bit of a break in the game and just going to play and whatever rank/tier I am at the end of the month is what I get.