Cant claim the lvl 100 hero skin reward

I am at 102 and cant claim the hero skin.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand same.

At least 20 characters, but actually only need to say:
same same.

Mr. Blizzard, where you at?

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Same, just got to level 100 and canā€™t claim the hero - tried multiple times and tried exiting the game and retrying too.

Joining in the chorus of people who canā€™t seem to claim the final hero reward. I can claim everything else for some reason, but I canā€™t get my Uther skin

same here, canā€™t choose the hero skin

Same here, I canā€™t claim the hero skinā€¦

same here, what a shameā€¦

I have finished the reward track about 3 weeks ago and canā€™t claim the reward since then. Been 1 week since I wrote a ticket to support and nobody answered. Does anyone even work on support or is just a random guy that decides to open up 2-3 tickets once a month?

Yepp, same for me. Nice to see that Blizz isnā€™t caring about anything happening to paing customers. No answer here, no fix no nothing. As to be expected from Blizz since Activision bought them. Shame on them, greedy Fā€™s


same issue, i canā€™t claim the skin level 100

Also having the same issue.

same happened to me today

Same problem here :frowning_face: :expressionless: :frowning_face: :expressionless:

So this has been broken for near 2 weeks and no one has done anything about it? Nice Blizz. :woman_facepalming:


Same problem here, canā€™t reclaim the reward

I cant claim the skin, can this please be fixed?

How has this not been fixed yet? :frowning: feels bad man!

What happens if the new season starts? Do we just lose the chance to choose?


Same here! Please fix before the next expansion!

Checked to see if someone had a solution to this problem. Same here though. Canā€™t select any hero. Itā€™s wild that it still hasnā€™t been fixed yet.