Can you stop the Druid strat Auctioneer+Tony already?

Omg Blizzard stop this absurd strat with all the 0 cost spells using Gadgetzan Auctioneer then milling you with Dew Process and finish you off with Tony King of Piracy.

You cant do anything they do it all in just 1 turn with all those free cost spells.

Do i just need to say NERF THIS?. Hilarious at its best. :clown_face:

Dude its the stupidest thing right. I just came here to post another video of incredibly dumb 1 shots on turn 4 or 5. It doesn’t matter that its wild, it shouldn’t exist as a possibility, it happens way too often. Look at the other toxic one below. Standard is way too boring and slow but WILD is out of control.

Its like, oh, whats that, you didnt win on turn 4? Too bad, Now I will…

Streisand effect lol

Im not up to date with decks, but big fan of mill decks and the like, and now I and many others know of this as well xD

How many accounts do you need?

Man, that’s … wild.