Can you nerf Uther of the ebon blade Paladin?

It kills you at turn 5 summoning the 4 knights in a single turn. Nerf the strat please. You cant do anything.

Or at least nerf the cards Sing-Along Buddy and Garrison Commander.-


At this point you REALLY need to find something else to play.

You think half the decks from half the classes - literally, look at your topic history - are either LITERALLY, or very close to literally, unbeatable.

It’s time to look into something else to do with your spare time.

Right, because when something is broken, the correct response is to cover your eyes and ears and pretend like it doesn’t exist as you walk away. Not, you know, try to fix it. Thank you for your brilliancy as always.

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I’d think all these decks were unstoppable without a lucky sin of envy neutering every gimmicky paladin I fight

Can you link me to one single example within the past 12 years where a balance change to hearthstone was brought about specifically because someone on the forums here complained about it?

maybe they could make sing along buddy trigger both hero power uses at the same time so you’d maybe get two duplicate ones.

Uhhh… people begged for 40 hp Renehal?
Other than that I can’t think of anything the community cried for that got changed for the better.

That’s because Blizz doesn’t use these forums to gather data on game and balance changes. It’s “Community Discussion” not “Give Us All Your Feedback On What You Think We Need To Change.”

It’s fine to discuss HS related things you don’t like here, with other players. It’s also fine to assume someone with leo’s posting history cannot be reasoned with. I know, I know, “I don’t have to read it” but he doesn’t have to post it, either.

Everyone talks about “exercising restraint” when viewing and/or responding to potential controversy, but nobody ever talks about “exercising restraint” when creating the controversial topic in the first place.

For the combo to kill turn 6 they have to draw two specific legendaries (Nozdormu and Uther) which can happen but won’t happen all that often.

i highly doubt that.

You don’t have to read posts you don’t like.
Skip 'em and move on, (with your life) as we say over at World of Warcraft.

It’s like the meme. To paraphrase… "There is no such thing as cyber bullying… Just don’t look at it.

Do you have any proof developers and team leaders never read the hearthstone forums to see what the players are talking about?

Because that would be super weird if they never looked at the forums. The World of Warcraft dev teams read the forums.
Most of them play World of Warcraft, so they of course they read the forums and most likely post on them.

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Telling people “just don’t look at it” when you take a dump in the middle of a public space without warning nor provocation, says infinitely more about you than it ever will about the people grossed out and incensed over your intentional act of public indecency.

I never mentioned “Developers” in that post, and I never mentioned “Team Leaders” in that post, but I do know that Community Managers are the ones who are tasked to peruse the forums to collect feedback in other official blizzard forums for other franchises:

Funny though, that you are asking for proof of anything from anyone. Rules for me but not for thee, it would seem.

Literally linked something from Diablo 4 as if other franchises have anything to do with what goes on in Hearthstone :man_facepalming:

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Stop running slow decks without wincon and u can have a chance.

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CoD was tops, obviously, but D4 - for all its faults that followed its launch and all the (deserved IMO) hate it got - was still a HUGE deal for them. I quote directly:


  • In the second quarter, Blizzard segment revenue grew over 160% year-over-year and operating income more than tripled year-over-year, each setting new quarterly records, driven by the launch of Diablo IV.
  • As of the end of the second quarter, Diablo IV had sold-through more units than any other Blizzard title at an equivalent stage of release. Over 10 million players experienced Diablo IV in June, playing for over 700 million hours, and retention trends for the title are particularly strong.

It’s all interconnected.