Can you nerf treant druid?

Killing at turn 5?. Nerf cards like Cultivation.-


It should be turn 4 imo. Better off getting it over with so you can play against more Time Warp mages.

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Treant druid is beatable if you control their board early. Dragon is worse imo. Far more ridiculous is paladin. Paladin needs to get severly beaten with the nerf bat. And hard. It’s annoying asf how ridiculous they are. Druid and Paladin are the golden classes - they are always way overpowered compared to everyone else. Every other class seems to be in the ‘good sometimes/bad sometimes’ category which is fun. Always good rarely stoppable like druid and paladin needs fixing.

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I’ve been killed on turn 4 by that type of deck.

Not going lie when I see a tree Druid deck- I want to concede.

I hate it too.


Hi Phen, I see that you have posted your daily " please nerf this deck cuz it countered me". Hope you have a great week.

Nah bro, we can’t. The devs never come here and they haven’t given us nerfing powers


I think the main problem with treant Druid is that Herald of Nature card, like really, just look at it and tell me it’s in any way okay. Hell it could be a 1/1 it would still be played. It could be 4 mana it would still be played.

Also lesser problem of the deck but the soul of forest or whatever that used to be 4 mana but is now 3, should probably go back up to 4.

And of course cactus construct is a problem but that’s just Blizz being Blizz pushing more broken 1 drops like they do every expansion

braindead deck
nice design