Can you nerf Rogue Necrium Blade strat?

Stop with this strat just nerf the weapon or mine bombs. You cant do anything if they get the 3 cards to this strat. 35 health to 0 in just 1 turn.

they could probably make snowfall graveyard only apply to minions. that seems reasonable to me. but it’s up to them if the numbers look right

you can break or steal their weapon the turn they equip it.
I doubt they all equip and destroy their weapon on the combo turn.
Now if you don’t want to include tech cards in your deck it’s just that you don’t want to do anything, not that you can’t.

I’ve done that before and the other guy actually ran 2, he didn’t have a problem with getting it back with the that card that draws a weapon

Obviously ?
If my deck relies on a weapon, obviously I’m gonna run 2 of it to have a better chance drawing it.
Same goes for tech cards if you really want to target a specific deck.
Breaking their first weapon is not supposed to be your win condition, break the weapon, they concede.
Breaking their weapon delays their combo, makes them lose mana and tempo. The tech card is meant to give you an edge in the game, it’s up to your deck to be able to snowball from that point.
If your deck is so slow that it can’t win when hard teching against a combo deck it’s not gonna win anyway. Necrium blade is just a scapegoat.

You can complain all you want about combo decks. Wild allows aggro decks to kill you on turn 3 nowadays. That meta only allows slow decks to play against eachother, or to hard tech against the others.

If you really despise combo decks that hard you can play shadow priest to kill them early, or disruptive shaman with all it can do to annoy the opponent.

the point is it isn’t an instant win against the strategy, and running 2 of them in your deck limits your ability to play against other decks that aren’t that specific deck or weapon/gimmick based pretty significantly, it’s basically a deck based around a specific sequence of cards that you have almost no way of controlling whether your opponent will get or not that determines whether you win the game and nothing else, that’s only really countered by knowing beforehand you would face that kind of an opponent, and even if you do run those cards you might not draw them before he does so it might not even matter anyways

Exactly what I wrote
Don’t expect a single card to win you a game. It’s just gonna give you an edge you have to invest on

Like a majority of wild decks, even some standard, nothing inherent to a necrium blade deck

By playing decks that actually counter it like hyper aggro or disruptive-heavy tech
Shocker ! When playing against random opponents and decks you cannot win them all and some decks will have a really high winrate against you because your deck is countered, here by being too slow

that’s why the OP’s point still stands to an extent, the thing you’re proposing mitigates the strategy but it doesn’t really address it entirely and merits them reworking it because of how bad/unreasonable the design is, if there’s other decks like that in wild like that they need to be addressed too because I don’t think it’s good game design to lose with little to no way of affecting/controlling the outcome, there’s a difference between just having a bad matchup in a game (which is fine) and being literally unable to affect the outcome in any way without placing certain cards in your deck beforehand in a setting where you’re expected to be constantly matched with random opponents, if you follow the logic of “just build an aggro deck” then (randomly) get matched and lose to someone that counters aggro decks it would just be “why did you make your deck so aggro focused?” and go around in a circle, you can have an unfavorable matchup but it shouldn’t be unbalanced to the point where the que is the biggest factor and given the knowledge you had (within reason) beforehand playing every card to optimal theoretical efficiency yields the same result as if you were to afk from your keyboard, it’s against the whole point of a game/competition if the player has no effect upon the result of the match

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Even though I agree with most of what you say I still don’t understand why Necrium Blade is the problem
What you describe applies to every single combo deck that ever existed, even more so for wild that is the sandbox of unreasonnable decks

Bro it is the same as secrets, just gotta run tech cards lol. Terrible solution, I agree, but it’s what we have.

Tech cards are terrible in game. When there are several different aggro lists and the game auto decides match ups.

Facing x6 secret mages w/o tech card.

Then vs x6 rogue with tech secret card.

Use weapon tech card vs x3 quest hunters x3 shadow priest.

Tech cards need 2 choose one tags.

The game needs more tech cards. Standard/Wild/Battlegrounds suffer from lack of utility/disruption. While being on the receiving end doesn’t feel great, such as Theo stealing a good card from your hand, which unfortunately rotates soon, it’s something game could use a lot more of in order to alleviate some of the power creep this game only gets more and more of.

They are terrible cards. Dead draws 95% of the time. Only way they will EVER be useful is:

a) removing algorithms
b) making them do something else as an option

(choose one: -heal x amount -destroy a minion -do what the card is doing now (pull enemy from hand, destroy weapon, destroy cards in deck, destroy spells that cost 1, increase spell cost, increase minion cost, destroy/take control of secret(s)… etc)

Otherwise they are really dead cards.

Are you trying to say cards like Theo or MCT don’t work when they are played or something?

I’m confused

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Look into costs and mana curves of various aggro decks as reference. It should unwind your misdirection. Don’t forget to read my post! I should not have to explain myself twice.

they did give tradeable to some of them as another use for them, which was nice.

I’m waiting for the first time, I guess.

I assume you’re referring to this. You see, if we were talking specifically within a vacuum in which it’s only aggro decks in a meta, sure, tech cards may not be as viable as killing your opponent the quickest. However, aggro decks generally bring on control decks (mid-range, too, but they haven’t been seen in a long time). And where’s there’s control, there’s OTKs. Control/OTK scream please please have some tech cards in your deck as a Control player will out value you while an OTK denotes only a certain amount of turns per game before you lose if you don’t have some kind of disruption aka TECH CARDS.

My point is

Is a bad argument unless you meant something completely different.

sorry for the late response but the problem I have with it is that it’s too effective firstly, many people seem to be able to get a good rank with it without much of a problem, second that it’s inherently non-interactive design, I think other combo decks can be fun as a “race to see if you can finish off your opponent or if he can pull off his mega combo first”, delaying for time, playing a disruptor card at the right time, etc., but you don’t really see that dynamic with this deck as the combo is simple with minimal setup and usually ready by turn 4-5 before any dynamic can even form, lastly that it forces people to play certain cards/archetypes in order to win, this limits design if there are certain cards you have to include as part of your deck or archetypes in order to win, cards like these should advantage people who choose to add them but it shouldn’t be a requirement of sorts

Tech cards are not a viable solution due to needing to draw them. So you not only need to have plenty of tech cards, which in itself is a problem with deck creation, but you need tons of DRAW cards to get the tech card in a timely fashion.

The problem is card draw. You can have a great counter deck, but it won’t matter if your opponent can draw through their deck in the first 4-5 turns and play the combo before you can do anything. The only viable solution is to play a monstrously aggro deck and kill them prior to turn 4-5. Wheee, so fun. (Sarcasm).