Can you nerf Counterspell and Objection?

Too overpowered secrets at free cost. At least increase their mana cost.

no, i can’t.

maybe blizzard developers could though. if they wanted to.

I doubt they’d increase the cost, considering the point of a Secret is that it’s indistinguishable from other secrets upon play (for mage all being 3 Mana). If so then they’d have to increase ALL of Mage’s secrets.

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This^. while many would object :rofl: it is the obvious answer to be able to ever counter :rofl: a secret mage


I hate that there is no way to remove objection other than playing into it.

That being said, most players don’t like using secrets unless it is power-creep level power, or there is some mechanic to cheat out a large number of them to thin their deck. Paladin secrets at one mana were so rarely played I am not surprised they got removed.

Facing two objections a game is bad, but the real problem are the games where the discover and replay cards allow a class to get more than two.

This is what’s annoying, it basically makes all secret tech a dead card and there’s rarely a point where slamming an objection down is a bad play. :man_shrugging:

…im still cant believe they gave paladin a card like rhysa and never released secrets you would want to play with it

Phen how many times are you going to post about this?

I don’t think its necessarily overpowered but its definitely not fun to play against especially when they discover/copy it 6 times.

Although those cards are very unfun to run against (bad Blue mage MTG flashbacks), you can trade in a few low cost cards to give yourself the advantage. It helps to know what mode you are playing. I run into those decks a lot in wild and Warrior or Hunter (although any class has some options) are fun counters with Flare or Bumper Cars wasting the mana efficiency of their deck, yet keeping your hand full. Drop a one mana test card when I need and either kill their secrets or keep pressure on them. There is always a trade off in killing power but I’ve had good success even though I’m playing just to get achievements. Best of luck to you!