Can you improve Hearthstone web Rank tables?

Today I was checking Arena Rank Tables to search me and find my rank in website, and after a long time using (and finally finding me) I have some suggestions, and doubts.

1st.- Add something to search your name.
Probably I’m blind, but in Europe region I couldn’t find a search tool to search your battletag and go straight to your page or position.

2nd.- How arena ranks works?

You can see that it takes your Winratio.

Isn’t unfair to put in the same table people with 1 arena played vs people that has like 30 runs?

Can you add other stats like “Games Played” and it would be great to add too a filter, for example:

“Show me people with 15 runs or more”

Then the ranking should be different.

Can you explain us if you need a minium of wins to be in ranks?

Thank you!