Can we try to deal with mana cheat please

The amount of mana cheat and reducing card costs to way below what they should be is getting ridiculous, honestly same with the amount of card draw in the game - I remember when Priest’s core identity’s weakness was card draw and now it’s basically just not a thing.

Can we try having a HARD limit on mana cost reduction to not be less than (1), and ngl i have no idea how you’d fix the card draw stuff it seems like its beyond fixing at this point


Nothing more should be expected from this company, it tries to make as much profit as possible so that robert kotick is well rewarded in $$$ by microsoft after the takeover except that it kills the game/balancing.

So they have to make ever stronger cards/mechanics to sell, it just became a full face brainless game.


I guess northshire cleric is a myth.

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Yes, the single card that was a must include back in the day because of Priest’s weakness of card draw…?

Same with Power Word shield, which was even changed to further emphasise this weakness

I did say weakness as well, not complete absence

oh that dumb unneeded nerf suggestion to a loooooooooooong list of cards including many which dont see any play made by another fun hater is poping up again

what other reason would anyone have to nerf cards like murlocula or imprisoned satyr , dreampetal florist

and your other complain is pretty much " priest class got some card draw!" so you are agaisnt the game changing for the better too

Northshire cleric’s card draw power was so high that it was a common strategy in the priest mirror to mill the enemy priest by overdrawing them cards. This associated priest with being a class that had such powerful card draw that decking them out and burning their cards from over drawing them was a preferable method to fighting them directly.

Which is the complete opposite of what you are talking about. You never played hearthstone in your life if you dont know this.

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I don’t know why this thread has touched such a nerve with you, when the identities of each class was announced and the core set was created, Northshire Cleric was sent to Wild for a reason. I don’t get your aggression and ad hominem, but you do you.

I’m just letting you know that for majority of hearthstones life Priest as a class has been well known for its ability to draw, and generate, cards. Even today, most control priests struggle to not overdraw and burn cards because their hand is so full.

If what you say is true, let’s make the same type of assumptions about other classes.

Warrior as a class had a weakness of being unable to control the board, a lack of healing so they died to burst damage, and it’s minions were too small and too slow.
Hunter as a class had a weakness of low damage minions and an inability to close out games due to low damage output.
Paladins as a class had a weakness of being unable to get minions on the board, and an inability to answer single large minions. Also, bad card draw.
Warlock as a class had a weakness for having minions over costed with stat lines too small for their price.

Stop me if I’m confusing you. You’re wrong about Priest’s identity.

Clearly the main point of the thread has been lost, my point was a general disliking for mana cheat and overabundance of card draw, the old class identities were an example of how things have changed so much. Obviously, you seem to be chasing your own tail with this strawman so you keep running in circles, I’ll reply if you decide to address the original points cos I’m done w everything else.

And congrats on knowing the old identities, gold star.

I’m going to start ignoring whatever issues you have with card draw since I have already shown you that classes have always had card draw. With that, your main subject is mana cheat.

To that I say: Preparation, and Shadowstep. Nobody complained when only Rogues could mana cheat things.

Then Blackrock Mountain came out and we had Emperor Thaurissan. Hey look, a NEUTRAL card that mana cheats your entire hand! It is an end of turn effect too, so your opponent had no answer back then, just like we have no answer to mana cheat now.

Your issues with the game have existed for over 5 years now, what good will come of complaining about it now?

I did notice cute warrior is now a thing in the wild meta. Play zero cost minions then cheat out big damage minions same turn. Games are over by turn 4 if you don’t play a control deck.

The best feeling when playing against control warrior back in the day was snatching their acolyte for free on just turn 6. How times have changed