Can we save catch up packs?

If you have a lot of the current standard eligible cards, are you able to hold/save the catch up packs and open them after next standard card shift, so you get new expansion cards with them when it comes?
Or are they limited to just Showdown in Badlands expac and the previous 5?

This is correct. It’s only for the specific expansions.

These first Catch-Up Packs are specifically Badlands Catch-Up Packs. They’re designed to catch you up to our upcoming expansion by including cards from the five prior Standard card expansions: Voyage to the Sunken City, Murder at Castle Nathria, March of the Lich King, Festival of Legends, and TITANS.

These Badlands Catch-Up Packs will always include cards from those five sets, and only those five sets, regardless of when you open them. If we do Catch-Up Packs for a different set in the future, we’ll make a new type of Catch-Up Pack at that time.

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ty for confirming that!