Can we put the Pass further away from the side of the board

Title, I swear sometimes I point directly at it and it still puts a minion in the corner

Can we move it away from the side of the board, lower maybe

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I donā€™t understand the question. Whatā€™s the Pass?

Passing in battlegrounds duos. Many players are playing cards on the right most spot when they want to pass to their partner. It seems to be especially prevalent after the recent update.

Ah Iā€™ve never played duos and Iā€™ve gone near 7000 last month by playing very casually. I donā€™t believe in team-games without knowing the people personally outside the game. Iā€™ve learned that lesson well in World of Warcraft.

That literally and figuratively doesnt make sense. WoW is a team game designed for players that dont know each other IRL. Like from the ground up. True you can benefit more by having a Sidekick IRL playing alongside you but its extremely simple to make a group of strangers and take on something challenging. I did it last night with Heroic Bastion of Twilight for the first time last night. No idea what the mechanics were at all, but I played my part and after a few wipes of learning those mechanics we claimed victory.

Duos is like the most basic version of that dynamic i can imagine.

You may not believe in those team games. But I assure you, they exist. lol

Do I laugh now or later? Yes you can do some normal raiding or so. Anything hard and itā€™s a pain in the butt; try mythic raiding with randoms; try hard mythic+ with randoms.

To get back to the original topic, Iā€™ve already seen messages in the forum asking for the portal to be ā€œfurther awayā€.

Iā€™ve already seen some failures in the game.

While waiting for the portal to be moved (if itā€™s changed in the future) :

To avoid passing a minion to your teammate by mistake, you have to place it on your board well to the left and only then move the minion all the way to the right, if thatā€™s where you wanted it (for safety).

And if on the contrary you want to pass a minion, you have to go to the right side of the portal.

never heard of all that mess. Im experiencing the game on its current timeline currently at cata for the first time so you might as well be speaking about Ancient Egyptian Sociology to someone in Geometry class. and to be clear, normal raiding aint easy. Heroic even less so. Heroic whooped our butts 6 times until we claimed victory that night. But I didnt let its incredible difficulty and crazy indecipherable mechanics get me down. Getting into a raid at all is a tall order, let alone the goal of doing so each week. Let alone let alone again getting to the point one can attempt a single heroic raid boss in an otherwise normal raid.

So instead of laughing, i suggest you try out some team game modes and not be such a downer to everything. Fun can and does exist where you dont believe it can.

For the record you did a strawman initially (though itā€™s also my fault since I could be clearer). When I said should know each other ā€œoutside the gameā€ I didnā€™t mean literal physical contact only but also going on VoIP and talking and generally being a guild.

I meant pugs are bad and playing BGs with randoms you donā€™t already know outside the current game is a ā€œpugā€ in WoW terminology (or worse since itā€™s just random (an ā€œLFGā€)).

Lol. My guildā€™s name is Pug Life. Ive almost always pugā€™d every raid iā€™ve been a part of. and yeah the voip/skype/discord aspect is good for listening to the RL tell the upcoming mechanics and issuing orders and all. Im all about that. I know I cant memorize the mechanics lol. I normally cant even tell when a boss is doing a different attack unless thereā€™s a substantial difference in their animation or something (castbars or something subtle dont cut it)

Thatā€™s why I said mythic raiding or high level mythic+ and anything challenging. Youā€™re not doing those without being frustrated if itā€™s with random pugs.

Iā€™m playing Hearthstone to be optimal at gameplay; while I donā€™t spend too much time I donā€™t like slacking; pugs would annoy me to not end.

I mean, just because no one wants to play with you or be on your friends list doesnā€™t mean we have to suffer XD

Since the last patch I have mistakenly played several instead of passing. I donā€™t recall doing that previously at all.

The bullying was not needed anyway but you also misunderstood my post (though itā€™s also my fault it wasnā€™t clearer).

I didnā€™t mean physically being in contact with people outside the game, but at least being friends on VoIP/guilds/etc.

You are arguing against a fix for a feature in a mode that you do not play MULTIPLE TIMES in this thread. How did we ā€˜misunderstand your postsā€™ exactly? Your only ā€˜non bullyingā€™ post was the first one. After that, you have no leg to stand onā€¦

Itā€™s not my problem you are offended. Some people donā€™t like the same things you like.

Itā€™s something you have to deal on your own.

thats kinda old isnt it, like cata right?

Its the current timeline of Classic. Its new to me. Go with me on this example:

The year is currently 1991. VW re-released their VW Bug despite making the original back in the 60s. The current VW Bug often dubbed the ā€œNew Bugā€ is not a new concept, sure, but it is still a new vehicle to many people that werenā€™t driving around during the 60s/70s/80s.

Same exact type of thing for me and Classic WoWā€™s timeline. I am currently experiencing it all for the first time as its progressing. So yeah, for some old War Veterans that may be old content. Its current and fresh and new to me. And not like that ā€œnewā€ that exists when someone goes and buys a used car that is an old 60s Bug but itā€™s ā€œnew to themā€. Its the re-released version that is actually both a new car in terms of off the assembly line and ownership.

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Not offended:

You really should look up the meaning of some of these words that autocomplete has you use in posts XD