Can we nerf the 2 priest quests already?

I love how in wild if my opponent is a priest and plays either Activate the Obelisk or Awaken the Makers that it’s a 90% chance of a loss. Blizz can we please nerf those 2 quests already?

The Demon Seed got straight up banned.

I hate to break it to you, but neither of those quests are particularly strong in wild (or even when they were in standard). They’re quite slow even for control decks.


Right…Imagine talking about Priest in Wild and somehow the Quests are what you bring up? Lol

The Demon Seed got un-banned. There are better nerf candidates for wild.

Ive never won against Priests with the I win card prize of their quest. IDK what its called. Ive played the one that gives a stronger heal and gives stats, at least i think thats what it gave you… and lost plenty of times when i’d gotten it. Never been able to play the quest with the i win card tho.

Seek Guidance quest is what you’re thinking of and when I play that there doesn’t seem to be a guarentee that it actually works out as you need 2, 3, 4 and then 5,6 and then 7,8 so even if you try to build your deck the best way possible you could still go 10 turns without seeing a 3 and lose. I mean yeah if it actually works then great. But that’s what I call gimmick decks. If X happens then I insta win, but X has a at best 1/3 chance of happening meaning seems unlikely to actually climb in ranked play.

And that might be, but when paired with other certain cards you ALWAYS see with those quests then it becomes impossible to win against those priests. Like if I hit you you heal and progress your quest. If you throw down convincing infiltrator or obsidian statue and then keep rezzing the heck out of those 4 cards it becomes I can’t hit you, I can’t get through to you without losing my minions so yeah how is that not OP? No other class has 15 ways to rez the same 4 minions which helps my quest along so that even if you do get me down a bit, I just throw down the quest reward and back to 40 health.

I dont see the need for climbing ranked to be necessary for someone to wreck my sh** with that questline lol. They can stay comfy in bronze and steamroll me with a perfect draw order from the very start. whereas my deck decided to order everything from highest to lowest making turn 4 or 5 the earliest i can play anything at all so my deck decided to take that match off.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but just because you can’t win against Priest with the decks you are playing doesn’t mean there aren’t other decks that can (reliably even). Those priest decks make up an extremely small part of the Wild Meta and that is primarily because they don’t perform great against the rest of the meta.

We don’t know what you are playing, so I can’t suggest any different card choices or even any strategy advice. That being said, bad matchups exist. It’s entirely possible the specific decks you are playing will never be able to win these matchups more than 10% of the time. That doesn’t mean those Priest quests deserve to be nerfed though.

Just out of curiosity, what decks to you like to play in Wild?

Weasel Priest 2 stronk, plz nerf. Kthanx bye.