Can we move away from RNG and back to skill?

sick of losing to RNG.

Can we move away from Earth and go back to Heaven?

Of course not. We never were at Heaven.

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play treant druid no rng there

Right. No RNG is you have nothing but good cards

We’re sick of RNG, but we don’t want the alternative. Pick a lane already!

Id actually like to go back to RNG, granted skill based would be best. I feel like the game itself is managing my win/loss rate, not RNG, not skill.

Few losses in a row and i can almost predict the card the game will toss (based on the current game situation) me so I win, ect.

A rather amusing strategy vs. treant is to wait until the opponent has max or close to max minions out, and counter by playing two Showdowns, and a Prismatic spray.

…Ironically, this nice counter requires RNG.

I feel the same. Doesn’t matter the mode.

what alternative? SKill based play?

Even without the rng, it’s a No Skill game. Aggro decks (decks for the mentally handicapped) are too powerful (treant druid for example). Watch the 2023 world champion, he only did Full Face! (yes he is the 2023 world champion of the mentally handicapped)

So what you’re telling me is that you’re competing in the Special Olympics and losing badly.

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Unfortunately the RNG will always be present (due to it being a 30+ card game). The problem (if we agree there is one, which we can probably agree) is that they doubled down on RNG. Then tripled down. Then quadrupled down. Then quintupled down. Then sextupled down. Then septupled down. Then octupled down. I’m not sure what then word for x9 is. But yeah, so they did all that and now we are here. Fortunately (?) Clown parties can work in your favor just as they can for your opponent. I guess that’s the saving grace?

Just gotta accept it (or find something else to do)

And by the sounds of it, you play worse than he does. What does that make you, eh?