Can we have less cartoonish card art and portraits again?

For the first time in a few years now, I’m actually not going to be purchasing the season pass. All of the art this time around is generally goofy and childish. It was a few, then it was about half, and then it was the majority after each pass was released.

I don’t know if it’s some half-baked attempt to appeal to a younger audience, but the world and aesthetic that this game is based around has a generally more serious tone. There’s plenty of unused serious themes and characters that haven’t been touched in the lore, but no, we get goofy beach theme with silly art for the second or third expansion in a row.

And for those who say “It’s a children’s card game” The source material for the game (World of Warcraft)'s target audience would be in their early-mid twenties at youngest.

I don’t care if you want to make a goofy cartoon-like card game, but make a new IP instead of warping the art and themes into what they are becoming.

I want character, not caricatures.


Agreed. It’s getting super old. They act like this game is for 5 year olds.


or, and go with me on this one, not all adults need realistic or “adult” artwork for it to be enjoyable to them. You seem to, and thats your preference. No fault there. but there also is no issue with the more cartoony artwork either. remember, this is from the World of Warcraft’s universe where a fantasy card game pokes fun at its own larger universe. Warcraft has never really been not a cartoony looking entity outside the live action movie and a couple of the WoW cinematics. It would be more out of character for them to go away from the style its always been from day 1.

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I understand, and even enjoy a few of the more humorous art pieces, but I would still like to have some cool character portraits and card art.

Like I said earlier in my post it went from few, to 50/50, to being majority in this style. I’d be fine with a compromise and keeping it somewhere around half and half.

I suppose I was just sharing my disappointment that there wasn’t anything close to what I would want or look for in the season pass and sharing that I hope it isn’t a continuous trend.

Hearthstone doesn’t offer a feedback service outside of random surveys in your email, and they encourage people to come to the forums for opinions and suggestions. I don’t assume they will see this, but I’ve done what I can and what they ask outside of becoming an influencer or employee.

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I’m all for a silly expansion every so often, but we just had one. Do we need two in a row?

I’m also considering not buying a Tavern Pass due to the whole lack of a board issue myself.


whaaat ?

since when adults arent supposed to like cartoonish art ?

and why do you mention the "children card game " meme ? thats a yu gi oh meme

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Agreed, I am really dissappointed in the new devs that want to make this into a kid’s game. I’ve been a long time player of Pirate101 (check it out, it’s a great game), and I can see direct correlations between the new content here, and that seasoned kid’s game!

I suspect, that Blizzard ran out of mature devs, and is hiring young’ns to fill the gaps.

They will see this, as I used the company name in my reply. They always check posts when you do that.


you are playing a childs card game my friend what you on about

you have the wrong game try magic the gathering arena if you want a real true card game experience without all the weird crap they put in and all the cartoonish childish graphics and "jokes " on the card flavor

Chillwind Yeti is the perfect balanced card art have you guys seen the full art? Yeti 4 lyfe #unleashyeti #releasetheyeti #moreyeti #yetilyfe #yetigang

i would love a second grand tournament, with the older art styles, that would be fun for 1 expansion

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