Can we buff Automaton?

Automaton priest got nerfed a lot bc of other decks
Projectionist ->warlock giant
Shaterred reflections ->druid
Thirsty drifter->Zarimi
Zilliax aura was also nerfed (maybe this one was on point)
Also some very useful cards that can bring automatons back were rotated
Right now Automaton priest is unplayable, we need more copy effects or resurrects effects

Animated dead back is no need, is to resent card
But cards like Embalming Ritual, Mirage caller(too risky*) Onyx bishop or Insight added to the core set can be intersting

Mirage is too risky bc of titans/Zilliax, you could copy them too

Leave Automatons behind, embrace ogre priest instead

Is good?
Do you have the deck code?

It was mostly a joke. I want the ogre deck to be a thing.

It’s not meta, so it’s probably not “good” for most people. I don’t have a deck code for standard. I think some people are running the basic highlander package with some success, but there are probably other ways to build the deck.