Can the game be saved?

With every expansion and its “power creep’, Hearthstone becomes less enjoyable. The “creep” has gotten so bad, that I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a card in the next expansion that gives you an instant win when you play it, no matter what. (The game already often feels like two players racing to draw that special game-turning card.)

Are the devs painted into a corner, where every expansion simply HAS to introduce increasingly outrageous and overpowered cards? Is a Hearthstone 2 the only feasible way to restore some sanity to the game?

What happened with Yu-Gi-Oh is happening with hearthstone but Yu-Gi-Oh have a reason for that to happen while Hearthstone have no reason for powercreep to happen other than lack of creativity.

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Standard probably not unless the developers are replaced and can come up with fresh new ideas. The game itself yes just how battlegrounds is currently keeping most of the playerbase. Maybe a new game mode as succesful as battlegrounds can revive the game but tbh if microsoft blizzard continues like how activision blizzard managed the game then it will just keep declining.

Power creep is an illusion.

Cards come out power crept and are nerfed to the ground as the expansion goes, making it that the new cards are never stronger than old cards to begin with.

One can understand this by the fact that the Wild mode is not dominated by new cards whatsoever, something that should be happening fi they were actually stronger.

What I wish for is not for the new cards to become weaker but to make them more interesting.

Still waiting for the new Zephyrs, Kazakusan, Shudderwock etc.
Make the design great again, new cards are just so uninteresting.