Can someone tell me the odds here?

So he draws Time-Lost Protodrake.

Protodrake gives him this one :

And then … this one , gives :

And next turn he plays it. And on top of that, turn 5 and he doesn’t have any duplicates at all.

Can someone tell me the odds in this “play” ? Like … how lucky one must be to accomplish all this which … of course, the only and only reason he won the match was because of this very combo.

I mean I know Blizzard math is bad and can’t ask them anything related. Yes … not only their math is bad but…they are bad in general.

Anyway, the guy should play the lottery I guess.

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There are 45 available dragons to get in arena.
From what you said they played Drakonid Operative on turn 4
From what I see in your screenshot, they are player 2
So on their turn 4 you had, assuming you didn’t draw any extra card, 23 cards in your deck.
So the odds would be (1/45)*(3/23), about 0.3%
I’m not adding any math for them to have no duplicates. That’s not really possible to do the math for that, but I wouldn’t weigh it much.

Don’t focus too much on result-oriented probabilities though, especially when you only target the reasons of why you lost. That won’t bring you anything but paranoia.


0.3% . That was his luck to beat me. 0.3% , because as I said, without Doctor Holli’, he wouldn’t even had a chance as we played until he had 10 cards left in his deck and I couldn’t keep up with the Frogs.

You hear that Blizzard? 0.3%. You know math Blizzard? That happens a lot in my play time with this pathetic rng game. This wasn’t always the case, but they made HS into a RNG extravaganza where skills is less than 4% and 95% RNG.

No, that will bring words in my mouth about Blizzard that they will think is 4 of July.