Can someone please suggest a Priest deck?

Hi guys,

I want to try a nice, workable Priest deck. I don’t see one in Meta on the hearthstonetopdecks site, but I’ve lost to Priest decks a bunch of times. Can someone suggest one? Thanks!

Thank you!

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Only priest deck I play is I search collection for “can’t attack” and put all those in then I search for “silence” and put all those in then I add a couple Sunfury Defender and maybe if you are feeling cheeky add in some spell combo like divine spirit+inner fire

Btw this is not a good deck or anything but it is fun/funny when all you play are can’t attack minions but then you silence and copy them and they’re like wtf?

I usually play Pally, and I played against a few Priest decks that nuked me pretty easily.

One was that deck that has +1/+2 to a construct for each such construct they put out this game. Repeated unsummons and replays made that very painful. Another one had that Leader of the Titans dude that can remove 2 minions from the game, then they unsummoned him, played him again, etc. A lot of decks rely on a single card or a few cards to work, not much to work with if your necessary cards are removed from the game.

There was also this one that seemed to have every Legendary ever made for Priest in it. I simply ran out of cards and he just kept putting more cheese Legendary minions down.

They say Priest sucks. My bruised noggin suggests otherwise lol.

Unfortunately, I can’t find the card list for any of them.

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warrior with brann
u are welcome

I use to love priest until I realized how evil that class is. The only priest I actually enjoyed over the last couple of years has been Shadow priest.