Can I get gold versions of core cards?

For example, I was hoping to gold craft my Grand Totem Ey’sor, but can’t do this for his ‘core’ version. There seems to be a craftable ‘wild’ version, but this wouldn’t be useable in ‘standard’.

Is there any way to get his ‘core’ variant as a gold copy?

I am finding vague posts online about golden core cards as rewards from win counts, but they don’t seem to read as confirmed sources.

Any clarification would be great!


You need a certain amount of wins with the shaman class to unlock the gold version of “Grand Totem Ey’sor”.

All golden core cards of a class are unlocked if you have 500 wins with that class. You get those cards automatically and don’t need to craft them.


And you can monitor that in your achievement collection

If you own the golden version of the original you will also gain access to the golden core version. For example, I opened golden Grommash from a Classic pack, and I also have golden Grommash in Core, despite having under 500 Warrior wins.

Therefore if you were to open or craft golden Ey’sor from its original set that would give you the core one.