Can I get banned for ever by doing this?

but roping IS NOT AGAINST THE RULES XD…im the one who is pressing the button. not a bot…this is not cheating, its abusing their fail system

But why don’t you just play instead if you arent botting? What are you getting out of the experience?

I wouldn’t be surprised if you were eventually banned for botting if you’re just going to imitate one


Let’s hope so. /20 char


botting or intentionally losing /de ranking (you can report people for that too)
some people do this so they ll get matched vs new players

Wow, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the author is really that stupid that it (sic) tries to imitate a bot manually. :rofl: By the way, if it is someone’s (or should I say ‘something’s’? :thinking: ) particular idea of ‘trolling’ (I think I’ve seen such trash back in the day, climbing the ranks after years of inactivity), it’s still stupid. Anyway, I hope it gets banned, and I wouldn’t mourn it: if someone (something?) is not only that stupid, but also ‘toxic’ (sorry for a ‘trendy’ word), so that it cannot even farm its EXP in Mercenaries, for instance, without much effort and bothering anyone (as far as I know, that little ‘exploit’ isn’t even considered illegal) — they have it coming.

how can u farm exp in merc?

Yes you can be banned, however if you put a ticket in, explain what you did,support could unban you

By playing the game. Even leveling up will net you much more XP, cards packs and rares.

the irony of this poster admitting to botting.

If you accept a friend request, and someone violates the coc, it still counts.

Imagine someone basing their entire legal defense for a crime on “well, you see…I’m uh, innocent of all wrongdoing…uh, because I was invited in!”

sadly, this has happened all too often; this company is the poster child for “thinks they are above the law.”

griefing, and as many have pointed out, acting like a bot.

Do you really expect the powers that be to do their job? They’ll just cut/paste a ticket response like they always do, then make criminal threats when you ask them to do their job.

Im speechless that you’re advertising is. If its gold you’re after why not farm mercenaries? Something is off. If this is done to climb ladder manually,… get a life!!!

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I don’t think exploiting the game should be a bannable offense, but I do think the devs should be creative about dealing with it, such as giving zero experience to players that are obviously just trying to farm.

The creation of an odd warrior deck should trigger a condition where only active play gets rewarded with exp. That deck is super irritating and requires ten minutes to defeat and you’re not even playing a real game.

This thread is eating at me lol. No normal person would ask “can i get banned” that many times. My fishy radar is exploding. conspiracy theory … this thread really seems like a a deflection, from all the threads regarding blizzard bots and their allowance, non-action, towards bots in general.

But thats just me --ho hum

It’s quite literally in the tos.

The problem is, exploits can do anything from granting an unfair advantage to crashing the entire game (not just yours) due to the instability by making it do things it’s not designed to do .

Which is why any sane company take such a hard line against it.

I think I can agree with that for the most part. Especially for egregrious cases like getting the game to do things it shouldn’t, like steal someone’s turn with endless animations or getting it to crash.

But farming exp seems relatively mild and the devs should probably discourage it in other ways, such as changing how you get exp. Just using up time shouldn’t generate exp points.

Time is all they want besides money. The larger the Number of hours / players playing translates to how much this game is worth and can be sold for. If bots benefits them they aren’t going anywhere. The more accounts the better. FB could careless how many fake accounts there are, they welcome it.

Long story short… Integrity, bye.

I’m typing this because you won.