Can’t play duels due to error

I have the same problem , pls Blizzard help us , cant retire 0win/0 loss


Isn’t duels being discontinued next expansion? That sounds like it doesn’t solve the problem.

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Yeah, i just checked and youre right. So disappointing. Its the only mode i enjoy. What a bummer


Between locking us out of the best, most entertaining mode in Hearthstone history, explicitly stating they won’t refund us for lost progress, then announcing they remove it in april, I’m so close to saying f this I’m out. Thanks Blizzard, always awesome to see loyalty rewarded. When Duels officially goes, so do I. Not that you care, clearly, but there it is.


Same here and it has been 2 days

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Players! Justice is served!

Quote from Blizzard

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, we disabled Heroic Duels to prevent malicious users from using third party software to break deckbuilding restrictions. This is a violation of our Terms of Service, and the offending accounts have been banned.

We are currently testing a fix to close the vulnerability as soon as possible. Once confirmed, this will be added in a server-side hotfix and the Heroic Duels queue will be reenabled.

Additionally, players who had lost Heroic Duels games to illegal decks will receive 10 Tavern Tickets–these will be granted to impacted player accounts next week.

Thank you for your patience.

My thoughts : Not looking forward to Duels getting removed in april. I love playing duels. I play it way more than Arena/Mercenaries etc.


I lost my 150 gold too. It says there was an error starting your game. When will we be able to play this mode again?

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We still can’t… It’s my favorite mode, and I don’t k what they are talking about, I mean. There are some op deck like there as always been. Seeing people asking for refund ticket cause they lost is not understandable, happens to everyone …
Unauthorized technology ? maybe some people are getting the card they want idk how, cause share decks and deck tracking on firewolf are authorized soo…


The message I was looking for, thanks !

same problem and i can’t fix it…how we can take this problem more important for Blizzard and fix the bug ?

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“unwanted technology” = HACKS bro. Literal scripts, unlocking unfair advantage during deck building. Blizzard is not stupid

what are they doing?

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i just read they are taking away duels … that sucks its my favorite game mode and main motivation for me to get better cards… not sure if ill keep playing … why are they getting rid of it?


Duels Runs Coming to an End - Hearthstone (

I cant even play casual duels bc I have a deck made in heroic duels and have no way of abandoning the run or deleting the deck


It’s happening in casual too, see here:

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No more reason to buy cards anymore and with the worst Battlegrounds season since the start, well done.


yea everything going down hill, ranked hasnt been really fun since like dark moon faire , battlegrounds sucks this season unless you play undead or demons, now they announced they will scrap our favorite game mode in april in favor of SH*ty mercs mode and arena … and meanwhile we cant even play it until april since they shut it down because some people were cheating?? who cares your scrapping it any way and havent really touched it in like a year… we got 3 months left to play it just let us play it…


Also having this issue. Can’t retire deck (have a deck built but 0 games played, so can only click Play and get the same error). Tried restarting many times over multiple days, still no way to proceed.

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I don’t know what genius came up with the idea of putting bots on the standard ladder, “bots” because they’re the same pre-programmed game, the same cards, no spells. Mercs, anyone’s still playing it? BGs went from a season that changed every game, to a boring season. They prefer to leave the arenas that are the closest thing to the basic game mode but with a random deck, than leave duels which is a system with many more variables, and on top of that, it makes you buy cards! Total Geniuses.

I bought the last card pack for duels only, thank you Blizz for saving me money in the future. When this bug came to duels and I couldn’t play anymore I went to arenas after YEARS and how ugly they are, it’s amazing that that game mode survives before duels.