Can’t login to hearthstone on my iPhone

I have an existing account and when I hit login on newly downloaded hearthstone on my iPhone, I can login to my account on the browser which pops out but then nothing happens. It stays on that account page.


Having the same issue Hearthstone iOS app stuck on tavern door loading screen

I have the same issue on my ipad.

Similar issue with iOS. Loading screen says to download new a version but App Store says it’s downloaded. Opening app from App Store will create endless loop back and forth between app and App Store. Deleting and redownloading does not help.

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I’ve had the same problem, for years. Years.

Let that sink in.

“Closed. Hearthstone has been updated! Please download the latest version.”

When I literally just downloaded the latest version of Hearthstone, on the latest version of iPadOS. There’s nothing that’s not current.

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