Came back to play the game, is this fun for anyone?

been gone for a few years, decided to come back cause the pure paladin deck looked fun. these are the most popular decks I’ve seen.

full control hp DK with multiple board wipe/control, guaranteed life leech, 1 or 2 or 3 patchwerk to clear half your deck, and apparently unlimited spell gen.

astalor druid who builds shield none stop and brann, armor guy, and double astalor.

mage that freezes or clears your board till they blow you up with cheap spells and constant free discovers.

shadow priest that can deal 20 damage in 4 turns…

how is this fun at all for anyone? this has to be the most overpowered meta for all heroes ever. feels like games either end instantly, or you know you can’t win if it drags out. or maybe I haven’t played enough? but I m currently mid plat, and all I see are these decks. every single match.


I came back after several years too. You must not remember what the game was like a mere 2 years ago, because the game is exactly the same as it was back then except mana cheating is significantly more prevalent.

No seriously, mana cheating is the only real difference.

You definitely shouldn’t play again, my Brother don’t even have any fun anymore, all his decks got nerfed, so that Death Knight and Druid can get their overpowered spells and minions winning over and over.

Mages aren’t a problem, the Discover trick can be killed by just controlling the board with low a*s soldier, unless they’re extremely lucky, in that case you won’t win no matter what you do.

You know Blizzard saw a 2/3 minion of old extension that has charge and they were like ‘No no, this is too OP let’s nerf.’ but when they made the 3/6/4 your enemy board and hero cannot heal anymore, they were like “Perfectly fine, let’s make another card that deletes the enemy deck now.”


if you love being victim of a manipulated rng based on what you do, if you win too much in arena or duels it disadvantages you, same thing if you don’t pay real money, if you love having unfair matchmaking, a mass of expansions elaborated to make it IMPOSSIBLE to have more than a decent expanding deck unless you spend hundreds of dollars a month, if you love to always have the clear feeling that what happens is not random even if it should, of course hearthsone is the ultimate in fun!!

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I don’t think paying real money will make you any stronger in game, cards will be broken no matter what and luck will ultimately decide who’s gonna win the match.

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No it’s terrible. Dont play until the new expansion.

stay far away as possible


No, i haven’t plated for a while and thought i would come back on a new account. the apprentice ranks is full on deathknights full full decks, i think i saw a rogue, the rest where deathknights. I then when’t on my main account and played 3 hours solid and every game i played was against an aggro deck.

wow! that’s baaaaaad advice.

either you play the best decks or you suck. Most good decks are OTK now.

Its actualy worse now.

Either you pay for one of the few deliberately OP decks, or you don’t really have a chance to climb the ladder and have some fun. Pay for win or suffer, this is Hearthstone in a nutshell. With some luck you may encounter bots you can easily farm, there are actually a plenty of them . :yawning_face:

There is no such thing as luck in this game, an invisible hand shuffles the decks, and it chooses the winner.

Hur dur… That’s luck… Wrong is not, it’s a waste of time on both parties, and a false sense of greatness and failure

The game its a joke, Dks and priests are broken and blizz LIKE ALWAYS does nothing…

Its SO fun to watch a dk cast 4 blood boils and 3 asfixiate in 1 match… discover cards is out of control…

It’s not fun for anyone who doesn’t play op meta decks. So I guess the option then becomes quit, cuz I will never play that garbage.oh wait, I already did. Haven’t played in almost a year.