Buying a late season pass - should give "lost" experience

I just started playing again, and love playing Duels.

I ran out of gold - so I bought the season pass, thinking all of the rewards would be retroactive. The only rewards I got were the few on the top tier, which is like a couple cards and cosmetics… I was expecting the experience boost to be retroactive as well, as in it gave me the % experience boost I would have had if I bought the pass before I started leveling up. it doesn’t make sense to me that it doesn’t, because otherwise it was a waste of 20 dollars!!! It makes the season pass almost useless to buy late season…

=( RIP me

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level? the mini set isnt out yet so maybe isnt too late to get the most of it

what, it has 120 days, and only pass 30…

you lose all the bonus XP though at early levels - which is when you normally get the most value. You lose a ton of gold.

It was the system since darkmoon fairy in 2020