Hello everyone,
I’d like to know if the same thing happens to you or it’s up to me. Turns out I’m trying to make a golden hightlander warlock for a while now. Yesterday I was preparing to create a golden Mal’ganis after having disenchanted mine normal and I find that the cards of goblins vs gnomes cannot be created in gold. Do you have any explanation for this or is this a game BUG?
Thank you very much and greetings!
Noticed this as well. Entirety of GvG cards in golden are uncraftable. Not just you, seems an odd bug.
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They added it to the current known issues list but for a future patch and they’re out of the office next week.
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Well this sucks I really wanted a few cards from this set to be golden and I cannot for ??? Can we at least hear how this bug manifested how does a set just suddenly turn off like that I’m curious this would tie me over if you told us that much