First of all, sorry if I have any errors in the orthography since my native language is Spanish, but they sent me to this forum to be able to report what happened to me.
Yesterday while playing battlegrounds with a friend, a user whose name is “Stonewell” appeared in each of the rounds, always playing with the same opponent who had left the game.
I do not want to accuse this user of using hacks, but during the game it was very rare to see that in each round he played with the afk doing 40 damage. I was able to take photos of each of the rounds to be able to send them if necessary. The reason why I suppose it will be a type of hack and not a bug is that both my friend and I never faced him in the whole game. Since if it would be a visual bug and the user ¨afk¨ was at some point, he should have put us against it.
I hope you can answer my questions regarding this user and in case it is necessary to receive your ban. Thank you.
Unfortunately it seems that Support staff has given you incorrect directions for how to reported suspected cheaters. Here’s the official post with instructions:
it sounds like a bug that has been reported several times before
Thanks for sending me the email where I should contact, right now I will report that to blizzard to see if it was a bug or not.