'Buffing' some Badlands cards

Gunslinger Kurtrus:
7 Mana 6/6
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, shoot (and destroy) the left and right-most cards in your opponent’s hand.
Outcast flavor, plus it makes it an interesting disruptive card that you can play around.

Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher:
6 Mana 4/4
Replay all Excavate Treasures you have casted this game.

Posse Possession:
5 Mana
Summon a 4/4 copy of the highest cost minion in your opponent’s deck.

Sheriff Barrelbrim:
Make the requirement nonduplicate.

8 Mana 5/5
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, summon 2 minions from the opponent’s deck on your side.

You are welcome, just fixed these bad cards.

you literally dont understand how good current tae’thelan is, because its arcane luminary for 1 more mana, 2 extra hp, and double the effect, in a class that has a bunch of cards that just add another card, and if i can vomit all those cards out to generate more cards to vomit, its an incredibility scary minion if it manages to live for a turn