Buff demon seed NOW!

This card is underwhelming slow against current meta and its not fair that it get nerfed badly while otehr cards get very good.

Demon seed can kill by turn 6, if you think it’s slow maybe there’s something wrong with your decklist.
The deck heavily relies on crystallizer too. The difference when you have it in your early turns + raise deads is massive. You can complete the quest by missing only like 10 health instead of 24


This whole “NOW!” trend is cringe. It’s Sunday, chill out.


Too bad, your opponents can disrupt it, your cards and drains your hp just as fast if not faster in the current meta.

You underestimate the current meta.

I play fatigue cards, armor, heal, forge for weapon and +6 heal, and Elite tauren champion

I play in the current meta, play the deck and play against it.
It’s one of the fastest decks I encounter…

How ? What can your opponent do that hard disrupts your deck ?

which ones ? Either seem too slow if you want a competitive deck

What is that ? Ignis ? That’s way too slow for the deck plan

That’s a slowass card for wild

You need an explosive deck to be competitive in wild, everything must synergize with your gameplan. Most examples you’ve given are bad wild cards, they are too slow of simply off the road.
I don’t think I underestimate the meta, I think you overestimate your deck.

All the questLINES are too slow for anyone sensible to even think about using them. But the original quests like Supreme Archaeology works fine already and probably required a lot less investment to get the quest to actually pop than whatever you’re trying to do. Would you rather use 2 plot twists and 2 questing explorers for a reward that makes anything it’s paired with useful or an entire deck that’s only real purpose is to troll mindreader priests JUST to make 1 card useful (that most warlocks seem to run out of things to self damage with to utilize by the time they even bring it out)

Well excepted the demon seed.

A quick check on HSReplay and I see several demon seed decks with 60%+ winrates

ok. they gave card that messed up demon seed so hard that is broken.

I want demon seed become original, but tamsins’ effect should target lowest Hp enemy instead enemy hero.

I miss the old Stealer of Souls.
Was nerfed to death, bec. of Demon Seed. Now Health Costs ignores Armor and Immune, Stealer of Souls should be buffed again. D: