Broken/ team/ content

imainge asking 60+ dollars 3 times a year for about 60% of the content… then games like baldars gate 3 35+hours on a single playthough that only is 40% of the content… so the billionare companis feed me 60 bucks for only some content but a non rebulican leader is asking the same for 2-4 x the content per price… how 3 games in a row is a bot playing 0 cards ever turn not fixed this is a old content thing games with 1/7 the profit have more solutions… if u dont know look up lost ark a 2019 game that in 2 mins lets u test a fully max charater out… it also has more ability slots making combat more dinamic and deep… on half the buget!!!yes…

They don’t, you don’t need to buy these to play the game
In fact you can play whatever you want in the game for free you just have to take some time to earn it. You’re not meant to own every single card of the game

Yeah and when you start playing hearthstone lets you try out some fully built decks and give you the choice ok keeping one of them for free

Now imagine playing a MMO with a 20$ monthly subscription to have access to the game
Now imagine playing a game for free but it has 700$ worth of DLC to have access to the full game
Now imagine playing a game filled with micro transaction where they release 100$+ bundles every month

You can play standard hearthstone for free, now more than ever. You can even play some wild for free. You just have to realise that you’re not supposed to have access to all cards at the same time and you’ll have to make choices.

with that many packs we get more than 60% thx to duplicate protection

you should have all commons and rares which is more than 60% with legendaries you get with the pre order and the ones from packs you should be at 80% and over 90% with the packs you get with gold

since i doubt you are the only player with a bug like this …i know you are lying because commons and rares alone are more than 60% of the expansion